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Horsie butt troubles again :(

edited 11:24AM in Issues

Using 0.4.2 here. I noticed that if the horse gets penetrated while in a bent- over position, the area just above the anus clips into the buttocks. This causes a bit of an ugly-looking 'tear' on either side.

It's a fairly minor cosmetic issue, but it's definitely noticeable and slightly annoying.


  • edited 11:24AM
    Any response on this?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:24AM
    Thanks for pointing it out, we'll have a look but can't promise anything for 0.4.3.
  • edited 11:24AM
    Still happening as of 0.5.0. It goes away if you press F10- seems like the buttock gravity is making them clip into the model.
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