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edited 11:28AM in Suggestions
Im not sure if anyone else wants this, but i think scat, or pooping,farting ect. What are your thoughts?


  • edited 11:28AM
    I think that would be great, it would take advantage of the anus expanding and contracting features that are already in game. I dont know about other people but i would love it.
  • edited 11:28AM
    If this is ever implemented, I hope there's a way to disable it.
  • edited January 2016

    Horsie said: If this is ever implemented, I hope there's a way to disable it.
    I believe it should be disabled by default... and the blacklist feature should be implemented before it. Animations/poses with it should be, of course, automatically and unremovably tagged with the "scat" tag to make sure people don't stumble over such content.

    I don't think scat will ever get implemented, though.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:28AM
    Not planned.
  • edited 11:28AM
    *snickers* I would imagine it would be planned as much as the patrons funding the project request it to be, or as much as the programmers happen to want to see it.

    Honestly, I don't this matter as others do. It's a need to look into bodily fluids and solid matter, not simply just for scat but for birthing, cum, piss, unbirthing, tentacle oviposition, insertions, toys, etc. It's all be tied together. "Things that go in or come out of something else that have matter/mass and effect the things containing them." It's all needed physics to calculate. Yiff isn't just about humpyhumpy stuff.
  • edited 11:28AM
    Hey it will be fun, or at least watersport. But I do agree that it would need to be enabled. Or make the game have mods or addons
  • edited February 2016
    This is a good idea. I know, I'm very pervert. :D
  • edited 11:28AM
    Really trying hard not to be bias here... but... scat??? ... why? 
  • edited 11:28AM
    Waves said: why? 
    Because there's people that like that, and while this is something I don't, I don't care if it's optional. But as far as new things to add to Yiffalicious, I think there's a lot to add for the majority before going to niche things like scat, and this is what I think the "Not planned" from Odes means.
  • edited 11:28AM
    @Horsie ;
    Just curious as to why really.  But ya, this kind of game is meant for all.
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