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Error communicating with Stripe

edited February 2016 in Off topic
Patreon won't let me pledge using my credit card and keeps appearing this message "Error Communicating with Stripe". Can anyone help me with this please? Thanks!


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:23AM
    Patreon was down for a short duration earlier, but I think it should work now.
  • edited February 2016
    It still won't let me. Guess I'll just wait until tomorrow.
  • edited 11:23AM
    Can I support you guys using PayPal?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:23AM
    Still doesn't work? :(

    It's against PayPal TOS to accept payments for what we're developing, and due to bookkeeping reasons we want all payments to go through Patreon.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:23AM
    Have you tried contacting Patreon? 
  • edited 11:23AM
    For some reason I can't add my credit card information to my account. I think my account is glitched up. I may have to do that as well.
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