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Just became a Patron, am I too late?

I became a Patron today ($12), March 1, 2016 around 12 am time. Will Patron charge me today, I am hoping they will so that I can get the latest build and access to new content, does anyone know? If not anyway I can pay you guys directly, reason I ask because I assume if they don't charge today it won't be till next month. I don't mind keeping the patron up, just want to access newest content. 


  • edited 3:20PM
    Go to Patreon, log in, click on your avatar on the top right corner of the page, and select "Pending Pledges", then go to the "All completed Pledges" tab. When you see there the pledge for Yiffalicious, you'll be able to download it.
    I still don't see the February pledge completed, so maybe you're in luck and later today or tomorroy you'll se it there.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 3:20PM
    I don't know when or if Patreon will charge you.

    If they don't, we were thinking of offering the latest WIPs on too. (Pay when you want.)
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 3:20PM
    The way patreon works with charging users and updating their status (in their system) is a bit different from how we thought it worked. It turns out that even though they charge someone, the status of this user isn't updated until a couple of days after (at the same time as all users receive status update).

    Anyway, we can see that your pledge was successful, and you should be able to download the build now. :)
  • edited 3:20PM
    Could I also be added, I myself have done the same as the OP
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 3:20PM
    dakman said: Could I also be added, I myself have done the same as the OP
    Patreon seems to be done charging users. Your pledge was too late to be included in this months rewards.

    We're pretty sure we'll get something up at though, so you'll be able to access the rewards there.
  • edited 3:20PM
    Everything worked out guys!
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