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Mutiple points selection

The main line of this idea would be making us able to select mutiple points with 'ctrl+LMB' or so:
Allowing us to at least move those points all together.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:16AM
    Can you explain why you want this functionality? What are you trying to achieve?

    Moving entire pose globally is something that's planned, but not multi selection atm.
  • edited 12:16AM
    I second the suggestion, being able to select multiple points would be quite useful..

    Moving the entire pose globally sounds useful for changing venues and such, but being able to control multiple points would be really handy for doing things like shifting limbs of a character at the same time, or a points on multiple characters that aren't parented but need to stay in the same position relative to each other to make the pose work.

    Having to do each point individually often causes some of my poses to twist when I do one side at a time, and I'm still finding it hard to fix the rotation.. I think this sort of feature would make things a lot easier.
  • edited 12:16AM
    Yes, it sounds very useful (to be honest, I've been thinking about something like that).
  • edited 12:16AM
    imagine you wanna move hands of both characters or whatever, and trying keep the way you lined them
  • edited March 2016
    Kitsune_McSwagg said: move hands of both characters
    That's one of the things you can use the Parent tool for.
  • edited 12:16AM
    FenrirWolfe said: Это одна из вещей, которые вы можете использовать инструмент родительским для.
    However, it is more convenient, because the parent version, you must first set the parent, and then detach it.
  • edited 12:16AM
    (that was an imagine you wanna make them lean together keeping the angle they do)
  • edited 12:16AM
    With your permission, I added the concept:
    - The combination of keys "Ctrl + A" must allocate all points of the selected character / characters.
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