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Yiffalicious WIP builds now available at itch

odesodes Administrator
edited September 2016 in Announcements
We're slowly rolling out WIP builds on So if any of you missed the opportunity to pledge at Patreon past month, you can buy this months WIPs there.

Were still testing this so if you run into any trouble, let us know and we'll solve it right away.

If everything seems to work fine, we'll post an announcement at patreon too.


  • edited 8:36AM
    hold on...
    is it buying the rights for March's updates only?

    (if so: seems fair =^'-'^= )
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    Yes, only for the current month.
  • edited March 2016
    Thanks for this. Itch site works great. Best of all, payment with Bitcoin was instantaneous and no hassle. So for anyone else who doesn't want to tie their credit card or paypal to this project on Patreon, this is a great alternative.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    Glad to hear that. :)
  • edited 8:36AM
    Definitely what some of us needed:
    Even if this projects is firmly handed, using profesionnal stuff, such as the SCRUM method, giving us this way, the insurance of a project that worth it and won't fall appart with lack of luck, compared to other competitors...
    Buuuuuuuuuuuut, engaging credit card to a patreon is too much for some folkes out there.

    So what you just did is giving everyone the occasion to buy acces to interesting updates whenever they feel they want to try it.

    That is another reason why this project, despite the controversial subject, continue to amaze us from a cycle to another.
  • edited 8:36AM
    Got message from creators on this, I love this over Patreon for 2 reasons. I can pay for it when I can and not on some wonky schedule Patreon chooses. The other reason is it's instant. I signed up to support for the patreon on March 3'rd and was told I'd have to wait till April... No thanks.

    Now that I can give you my money faster, I've never slept better.
  • edited 8:36AM
    @LunarWolf So is this only good for new people or does it benefit patrons that have been around for a few months?
  • edited 8:36AM
    @Waves I think being a Patreon supporter actually comes with more benefits, such as access to the patreon discussions. I wouldn't say this is only good for new people, but the benefit is another option to support the project which I'm sure more than a few people would appreciate what with the data and stigmas that can come with such things. It's sad that people need to think about such things, but it's not going away I suspect. The other thing that benefits Patreon supporters is that it looks like this only gives you the 12 dollar benefits for now, no matter if you spend more or not. Though the devs seem like super awesome people, so I'm sure they'd correct things as needed, that's just my observations at a glance. I hope this helps.
  • edited March 2016
    I'm a patron. I'll list here the main differences:

    • + You get to see all the WIP posts.
    • + You get to vote on polls that make some of the development decisions, like what's the next character to be released
    • - You only get to be a patron after the first successful payment, so you may have to wait up to a month to get the benefits of being a patron (but also you haven't paid yet)
    • You get automatically billed every month.


    • + Instant access
    • + You can pay with BitCoin
    • - No WIP posts, no voting
    • One time charge only, you don't have to cancel; but you have to buy every month to have the newest version.


    • You can't pay with PayPal, because PayPal's TOS prohibits sellers to accept payments for NSFW material. ( has PayPal as payment option, I don't know why - maybe fails when you accept the transaction? But if it works, it will only until PayPal looks onto the thing that's being sold)
    • + You get a warm feeling inside as you're helping the authors make a wonderful piece of software that they are giving away for free to the enjoyment of everybody.

    (Admins feel free to edit this post if I missed something or got anything wrong)
  • edited 8:36AM
    I bought this thing on using paypal. The payment was smooth, easy, and successful. I recieved confirmations of sent payment from paypal. I guess they have no idea. 
  • edited 8:36AM
    Indeed, they don't know
  • edited 8:36AM
    How long does it usually take before the newest release comes out on after its done? Was so stoked for this update i accidentally bought the march one thinking it was the newest lol.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    I'll upload it tomorrow.

    I'm not sure about itch's refund policy but you might be able to get one.
  • edited April 2016
    yeah I did the exact same thing as otakuu did :s hope I can get a refund through. Edit:  well I don't think I will get a refund as You need to claim a activation key in order to unlock this game. and because I have already seen the activation key. so I don't think I can get a refund as it could be used as an abuse to get free activation keys. 
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited April 2016
    Don't sweat it, we'll be giving 0.5.2 to anyone who has purchased WIP builds in April anyway.
  • edited 8:36AM
    Aw sweet, you da man Odes  B)
  • edited 8:36AM
    Does the newest version have Vive support? If so, I will buy it in a /heartbeat/.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    If I'm interpreting the docs correctly, yes:
  • edited 8:36AM
    Odes, would you be interested in Vive performance and feature feedback for 0.5.2? I can post my findings once the build goes up.
  • edited April 2016
    "Don't sweat it, we'll be giving 0.5.2 to anyone who has purchased WIP builds in April anyway."
    Was searching a way to get that one
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    Cagey said: Odes, would you be interested in Vive performance and feature feedback for 0.5.2? I can post my findings once the build goes up.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM

    Kitsune_McSwagg said: Was searching a way to get that one
    It's not published yet but will be soon. I don't think there's any point in uploading 0.5.2 because of some issues, so I'll upload 0.5.2b instead once it's finished.
  • edited 8:36AM
    So I just bought and booted up 0.5.2b, and unfortunately it doesn't look like it detects nor uses the Vive.

    I know unity is eventually getting native Vive support, but for now I think you need the (in my experience very robust and simple) SteamVR asset included in your project and from there you should just be able to append a script or two to your camera. Any chance this might happen soonish..? I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for VR Yiffalicious!
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    That's a bummer. Weird that the docs explicitly say:

    "Other VR Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) will also work with Unity, such as the HTC Vive"

    So maybe they mean it will work in the future, rather than it' will work right now.

    I might add SteamVR for 0.5.3, but I'm not promising anything. I'm a bit reluctant to put in 3rd party libs for something Unity will support natively anyway.

    Let me know if you want a refund.
  • edited 8:36AM
    Well, for one thing the ass wave feature doesn't seem to be working... Is it just me? And yes I turned the amplitude all the way up
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:36AM
    fanders said: Well, for one thing the ass wave feature doesn't seem to be working... Is it just me? And yes I turned the amplitude all the way up
    Can you be more specific? What character?

    I tried using it on the Fox and it seems to work for me.
  • edited 8:36AM
    odes said: Can you be more specific? What character?

    I tried using it on the Fox and it seems to work for me.
    All of them actually, every time I start the app. It only seems to work in the free version for me
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited April 2016
    fanders said: All of them actually, every time I start the app. It only seems to work in the free version for me
    Ah yeah, that's true. The test button works but not the invocation during play. I'll fix this for 0.5.3.

    Thanks for letting me know.
  • edited 8:36AM
    odes said: The test button works but not the invocation during play
    I guess I should've mentioned that from the start, but glad I could be of some help :P
  • edited 8:36AM
    So I just bought the most recent WIP build from itch. When I load the game it says I need a key number. When I click on "dont have a serial key?" It brings me too the Patreon login page. So I paid $12 for the most recent build and I have to donate monthly to get access? I've only donated $3 and its saying I dont have access to the build. Can anyone help me out?

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