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Character Idea

edited 11:59PM in Suggestions
I think a character like the one in this animation would be awesome to have. thoughts?


  • edited 11:59PM
    If you look at the roadmap, they're already working on a femboy fox.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 11:59PM
    Hello, I'm back after a rather lengthy hiatus here on the Forum

    A fox is indeed under development, it's a femboy tough, and as far as I can tell from the clip you've linked, it's a normal masculine fox I guess, it's always a little hard to tell given the resolution. 

    Although I've been doing iterations of him, and at the start he was a lot more masculine then he is currently now, I believe I can keep that shape and later on do a proper male fox added as a bonus.

    I'll just have to narrow his hips down and give him more of a v-shape and he should be good for further development.
  • edited 11:59PM
    Well, how about Kangaroo? The female with lush buttocks, strong legs and a cute attractive face? :)

    Example (NSFW):
  • edited 11:59PM
    H0rs3 has a lot of high quality furry models. It would be awesome some kind of collaboration with the Yiffalicious project.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 11:59PM
    Horsie said: H0rs3 has a lot of high quality furry models. It would be awesome some kind of collaboration with the Yiffalicious project.
    Well sure. He would be required to convert those models to suit real time rendering engine in which I believe some details would be lost. As I have understood it, he only does pre-rendered animations that allows a lot of fun stuff like dynamic fur that are in essential splines that would choke your gpu if it would be rendered real time

    Also, he seems to have his own thing going at patreon, and it seems to go quite well for him so I can't tell how interested he would be.

    We had a brilliant artist doing two models for us, but it's been put in hiatus since he had other real life obligations to attend to, which we completely respect, so we will be busy with your own development and won't active seek any other artist for now. 

    You however are welcome to contact him and see whether he's interested or not. 
  • edited March 2016
    I know you can't compare pre-rendered to real time, but, with the fur shader active (and a capable enough computer), Yiffalicious isn't really too far apart from pre-rendered quality.
    H0rs3 does basically paid comissions. If you're a patron you get to download all the works in HQ, the "free" versions in his FA account are low res.
    Also, I don't know if I detect a hint of hurt in your response; so I want to make clear that I didn't mean any disrespect; I love your models and the artistic direction you (and Odes) are giving to this project, it's just that I also love H0rs3s work, and as everyone following Yiffalicious, I want more content and features.
    I contacted him, but I'm mostly sure that I won't get any response, the guy looks like is permanently swamped by messages in FA.

  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 11:59PM
    @Horsie ;
    I don't know how to follow your logic in assuming that I was hurt, perhaps you should read what I wrote when I said we had correspondence with the other artist that had to leave us because of his other animation-workload?

    I'd be happy to have a fellow artist to share the workload with but the few other artist we've had contact with usually just poured in to the sand. And as for now we work on our own steam and wont' actively search unless someone with high enough skill comes to us.
  • edited 11:59PM
    @Dogson Now, I couldn't 3D model a teacup, even if my life depended on it, but I can make a decent texture. Would it in anyway be possible to get a UV map from a character, so I can show you? Or do you have more than enough people making textures? :)
    Do you use normal maps or bump maps on your textures today? I can't really determine whether or not.
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