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Custom Characters

edited 3:42AM in Suggestions
I read that custom characters are in the works, which is cool, but I'm confused by what that means: does this mean a character editor, like in Cathouse Tales, where you take an existing character and alter it to your liking, or does this mean importing original models into the program for use, if compatible, or both, or neither? I'd like either, but the second option would be awesome; I've got models I got made by Wolvalix, who uses the Unity engine to make animations, and I would love to see them in here, since I think this is a bit of a superior program for furry sex than SFM (which I'm currently getting them converted to)...


  • edited 3:42AM
    The way I was thinking of it was it's basically like Cathouse's editor, where you're just picking from a pool of blank models ready to be customized.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited May 2016
    It's neither, although it has more to do with your second option than the first one. But what we're aiming for is more than that.

    It's really too early to go into details at this point. A lot of pieces are still missing and a lot of problems still need to be solved. We have however started to adapt our code and workflow to pave way for its realization.
  • edited 3:42AM
    Okay, I am intrigued.
  • edited 3:42AM
    Could you elaborate on your answer? I know you can't go into details with it, but what do you mean that "it has more to do with the second option than the first one"?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 3:42AM
    I can't dive into details at this point - it's far too early. But calling what we're doing an import tool would be like calling an MMORPG a chat simulator. While it's true that you chat in an MMORPG, there's a lot more to it than that.
  • edited 3:42AM
    I see. Well, I can't wait to see what you have planned, then.
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