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Better cum?

I checked the road map and couldn't really find anything on it, but I was just wondering if cum would be getting some love at some point? It just looks so plain, and clips, and bunches of other issues.

I thought about dropping this in suggestions but "make this better" doesn't sound like a very well thought out suggestion.


  • edited 2:16PM
    I can't remember which post it was, but it has already been discussed. If memory serves me right, they are looking into/ waiting for a better patical system
  • edited 2:16PM
    Aw man, hope that doesn't take forever. Thanks for the answer though guy, I appreciate it.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited May 2016
    I'm hoping Unity will upgrade to the latest PhysX version once it's released, as it contains completely new solvers involving fluids.
  • edited 2:16PM
    Thank you for the response Odes! Keep being awesome.
  • edited 2:16PM
    @Neuronyx You're welcome :)
  • edited June 2016
    @odes Are the new PhysX solvers for fluids tessellation based? I'm just curious for us AMD users if that's going to be a tremendous performance hit or not.

    Oh nvm. After reading about Unity's implementation of PhysX FleX and not FleX itself, I've now realized that it's practically all CPU based calculations anyways. So probably similar performance for AMD GPU users. 
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