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Collection of Suggestions

edited 9:25AM in Suggestions
  • Pose Copy
    • A copy-paste of an entire pose for a character, encompassing anchor positions and optionally all slider values
    • This would requite a variable-sized keyed list, since number of anchor points and slider availability change with adding/removing other characters in the scene
    • The anchor positions I suppose would be saved as relative positions from the hip anchor with the hip anchor position not being adjusted (either at all, or only saving rotation)
    • This would be useful for just quick-copying and duplicating character positions
  • Option to save anchor positions in snapshots
    • As an option in the snapshot settings, give ability to save relative anchor positions of 1+ or all characters
    • It would be neat to have anchor positions between snapshots move with an adjustable sine curve, however it seems like this would be difficult to implement and more difficult to provide coherent UI to control.. maybe beyond intent of this product
    • This is more for quick-saving an entire scene or for ease-of-use for moving characters (a 1-click pose-copy as above).
  • A "fade in-out" option in snapshots
    • To compliment the saving of anchor positions in the snapshots, a progression of snapshots creating an event could include a "camera cut-away" for a position change by including an option for a snapshot to "fade to black" near the end of it's period, then a fade-in on the next snapshot.
    • By also being able to save position in a snapshot, this also allow for multi-scene files with some quick-and-dirty production work
  • Add a character Give/Receive option
    • When adding a character, first option is "attach this character as" with choice something like "Give" or "receive". Choice then offers male genital attachment points or vaginal/anal attachment points
    • Without being good at understanding 3D in general, or specifically how this application is programmed, I can only think of possible poor-man's ways of accomplishing this that is not %100 accurate but is close... I might just be crazy :3... maybe something as:
      • Place new 'receiver' character at (0,0) with [ 0, ... ] orientation and a copy of the 'giver' character type attached to it in default position
      • Get difference between current Copy-Giver hip-anchor to Giver hip-anchor and move receiver's hip anchor by that amount (will also "move" Copy-Giver")
      • Adjust new Receiver character's hip orientation to match Giver's hip orientation (places new Receiver in approximate correct position in front of Giver)
      • Move all Copy-Giver's anchor positions/orientations to same positions/orientations as Giver's anchors (except body-position anchor)
      • Place Copy-Giver's body-position anchor at torso-position anchor position**
      • Create a 'box' (not literally, in program) around Copy-Giver's body-position anchor, oriented with same matrix as hip anchor, create equi-distant lattice of points inside of box
      • For each lattice point, move the Copy-Giver's body-position anchor to it.. At that position, compare all bone-rotation matrices in Copy-Giver's to Giver's.. After testing all points, find point that had least average difference of Copy-Giver's rotations from Giver's rotations
      • Move Copy-Giver's body-anchor to that position
      • Copy-Giver should now be in "best guess" position to match new Receiver character.. Add new Body Position anchor to Original Giver character, copy orientation matrix for all armatures from Copy-Giver to Giver, attach Giver to Receiver
    • Might there simply be a way to directly calculate correct body position anchor from armature orientation differences at ** step?
  • Character Move Anchor or alt-key
    • When position anchors have been created, moving the hip anchor moves the character, but not the other anchors. If adjusting the whole-body character position, all of the anchors have to be manually moved as well. It would be much more convenient if there was an alt-key for the hip anchor or a seperate anchor that caused all character anchors to move together when adjusting position or orientation.
    • For moving characters with an "attached" character, this should also move any attached characters and their anchors as well
    • Is this already possible and I don't know it?


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