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Hidden fb group

edited 9:33AM in Off topic
I would like to make a hidden fb group. Just for us, fans of yiffalicious. If anyone wants to be added, let me know :blush:


  • edited 9:33AM
    Oh yea definitely
  • edited 9:33AM
    Now we're two :)
  • edited 9:33AM
    Note: you can pm me or @Sehfir your email address and we can add you to the group.
  • edited 9:33AM
    Are we really going to be the only ones? T_T
  • edited 9:33AM
    Wouldnt surprise me. Its not as appealing to most.
  • edited 9:33AM
    That's just the thing. I don't have anyone to share with. I can only guess others have it the same way...
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 9:33AM
    Not sure FB is the best place for this sort of thing. The whole furry thing is a secret hobby to most, and FB is associated with your normal life, so...

    Personally I'm not a big fan of FB in general. I hardly use it at all. The only reason I have an account is because it's so widely used and people sort of expect you to have one.
  • edited 9:33AM
    odes said: and FB is associated with your normal life, so...
    Quite honestly, I used to think that too, but it turns out most people have 2 separate accounts; one for family and one for friends (or so I was told).

    I didn't use facebook that much, so I just jumped ship because it wasn't doing anything for me.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 9:33AM
    I don't like FB, it's mostly filled with noise and garbage, and imo it's even becoming more obnoxious as clueless white collar employers starts to see it as a mandatory part of your CV to have an account there.

    I wouldn't mind joining the group in theory, but I mostly threat that I would just become absent there, even more so then what I am here. I'm usually active when I take a prolonged brake and can relax more. Rest of the time I'm either binge watching 3d tutorials or work on my assignments. 
  • edited 9:33AM
    I hate Facebook. I have an account because I'm the "emergency" manager of a couple of business' facebook pages, but I never log in except if I have to manage those pages.
    To stay updated about Yiffalicious I look the patreon page (daily) and this forum (irregularly).
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