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Animators suggestions for Game Improvements.

edited August 2016 in Suggestions
 Things I wish to discuss in order:
 -Ability to turn heads left or right.
-Dynamic Knot Inflation.
-Manual Tail Controls.
-Manual penis angle controls for submissive(s)
-Numerical Input instead or in addition to transition sliders.

 1). While animating in 5.4 I noticed the inability to turn characters heads left or right unless they are being driven automatically to look at a players camera. This is a shame because when you are trying to add emotion to a scene the ability to make a actor look away is almost vital to add an effect of them being shamed or embarrassed.

 For example its an actors first time receiving anal and they are a little embarrassed how much they are enjoying it, they might look away from the penetrating actor a tad ashamed. You can't really do that with the current tools in the game limiting the amount of emotion you can convey. I consider things like this vital to enhancing the POV experience.

 2). The next thing I would really like to see is Dynamic Knot inflation, this one I think is a great idea. Every-time an actor with a knot thrust forward the knot expands a little in response to the Resistance it is meeting. I feel this would add to realism and even help add a "Pulsing effect" during more rapid thrusting scenes. These subtle additions can go a long way.

 3). I also think a manual override for tail controls would be nice, sure I can move it in the limb editor but what if I want to add a nervous or happy little tail waggle..? I can't because there are no animation tools for it currently in game. (Or at least during the last version I used.)

 4.) Manual penis angle controls for submissive, I actually am not 100% sure this doesn't exist but in my times using the program I missed it. Basically what if the submissive is laying on their backs in missionary position? If I have another actor hugging close to their chest then the submissive actors penis is literally going to clip through the dominate actors body. 

 If I could angle the submissive penis more down towards their own chest and less straight up like a tower, then I can prevent most of the clipping issues mentioned prior.

 5.) And lastly and a very big one for me... A numerical input instead of or in addition to sliders for everything, especially scene transitions. Maybe it's my OCD but I found the sliders for scene times literally infuriating to use... If I want the transition to take 2 seconds I have to literally try a finagle the slider back and forward hitting 2.07 seconds then move it a little and it's on 1.98, then 2.03...

 I literally have to spend 4-6x longer trying to get the times right with the slider then If I added in a number from my key board. I could also get it right the first time, and have it be exactly the value I wished it to be in addition to taking a fraction of the time.

 So like I said these are my qualms with/suggestions for the game, I thank you for reading and hope to see what comes about this if anything. Also if anyone else is reading feel free to chime up in the comments if you agree/disagree with my points here. If it turns out that these points are a common request it'll probably be more likely to be listened to, so making your opinions known is good.

 Keep up the good work Yiffalicious crew!


  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited August 2016
    while it's not ideal, just a note on the duration slider that might ease your OCD, if you click on the slider you can use the A, D, left / right arrows, and 4 & 6 on the numpad to move in 0.2 second increments.
  • edited January 2017
    Thanks jei3 I didn't know that, that is quite useful.
  • edited 11:46PM
    TheTruthTeller said:  5.) и , наконец , и очень большой для меня ... численный ввод вместо или в дополнение к ползунков для всего, особенно переходы между сценами. Может быть , это мое ОКР , но я нашел ползунки для времен сцены буквально приводит в бешенство , чтобы использовать ... Если я хочу переход взять 2 секунды я должен буквально попробовать надувать ползунок назад и вперед удара 2,07 секунд , а затем переместить его немного , и это на 1,98, а затем 2,03 ...
    Example of possible improvement: What about the use of the Shift key? Hold the button and move the slider. This allows the slider to stop at every integer (1,2,3 for numbers up to 10; 10,20,30 for including up to 100, etc.).

    Just an example.
  • edited 11:46PM
    Huh I didn't know I spoke Russian XD Are you saying that should be added or is already in game?
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