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Regarding the upcoming cow

Must admit, that I was a bit sceptical about the next female would be a cow. Man! Was I wrong!!!


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:54PM
    Haha, glad to hear it. :) Charlotte is definitely one of our favorites. Can't wait to get her implemented.
  • edited 8:54PM
    @odes What cycle would you guess we could expect to se her?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:54PM
    0.7 was the plan but you never know. We don't know how long 0.6 will last either.
  • edited 8:54PM
    "oy moi" :)
  • edited 8:54PM
    How is Dogson doing? Hope he now has learned his lesson and never eat salad again XD
  • edited 8:54PM
    Would it be possible to see her on a turn table?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 8:54PM
    Not sure if he's managed to eat anything yet but I think tomorrow may be the day (he went to bed).

    Maybe we could do a turn around for the cow too but can't promise. We want to wrap up 0.6.1 first and foremost. But you'll definitely see more of her before she's released, so probably gonna happen sooner or later.
  • edited 8:54PM
    Wait, a female cow? I'm not a patron, but does that mean /udders/+udder?

    I'm super excited if so!
  • edited 8:54PM
    @usicco  no udders, but she has massive breasts.
  • edited 8:54PM
    @Thanks for answering. I'm not quite sure what the rules are regarding passing information from patreons to others
  • edited 8:54PM
    Nowere are rules about what can you do with the patron posts, so the usual is applied: you can talk about it, but you can't share the contents.
    Also, I think this is a great way to get people to be a patron.
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