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Expand sex options?

I will try to keep this concise as possible, but I had wondered about the current penetration options. It could use a little fleshing out, so to speak.

If you already have planned this, I apologize in advance. This can be read as both a suggestion and question, I suppose.

What I had in mind was the current "dynamics" of the penetration and wondered if there is a possibilty for a sort of separate insertion speed, that a single male subject, for example, thrust in quickly but recedes slowly.

On that note, why not add the possibility for a "out-of-sync" humping? As in, two subjects hump at each other at a different pace? Would add some spice to it all.

Last, the current female humping mechanism. This addition was a welcome one, indeed, but it currently feels a bit stiff. Would it be possible to make the humping a bit more... "independent"? Like, the female fully angles her hips foward before she is fully penetrated, or something the like? And would it be possible to add gyration to the movement? Would make it feel more fluid, I believe.

Now, this are just opinions and questions, etc. I understand if you do not agree or if some of them are to hard to achieve, or perhaps you've already considered them? Either way, thanks for all the hard work. 


  • edited 11:59AM
    I like this idea. I was hoping that arhythmic thrusting would be added later but never thought to voice an opinion of it. +1
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 11:59AM
    Greggori said: What I had in mind was the current "dynamics" of the penetration and wondered if there is a possibilty for a sort of separate insertion speed, that a single male subject, for example, thrust in quickly but recedes slowly.

    Check out "Force > Resistance Out"
    With a low in resistance and higher out resistance you'd get a quick thrust and a slow pull.

    Greggori said: Last, the current female humping mechanism. This addition was a welcome one, indeed, but it currently feels a bit stiff. Would it be possible to make the humping a bit more... "independent"? Like, the female fully angles her hips foward before she is fully penetrated, or something the like? And would it be possible to add gyration to the movement? Would make it feel more fluid, I believe.
    If I'm picturing what you're wanting to achieve, check out "Thrusting > Mate Hump"

  • edited January 2017
    jei3 said: Check out "Force > Resistance Out"
    With a low in resistance and higher out resistance you'd get a quick thrust and a slow pull.
    jei3 said: If I'm picturing what you're wanting to achieve, check out "Thrusting > Mate Hump"
    Yes, while I'm well aware of those options, I find that they don't have entirely the desired results.

    The " Force > Resistance Out " only shows effect on certain parts of the genitalia. What I had in mind was something independent of such.

    And " Thrusting > Mate Hump " was what I meant felt stiff, too... rigid.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:59AM
    Greggori said: What I had in mind was the current "dynamics" of the penetration and wondered if there is a possibilty for a sort of separate insertion speed, that a single male subject, for example, thrust in quickly but recedes slowly.
    That's interesting. I suppose we could add a slider that start in the middle, and when dragged to left it will decrease insertion speed, but increase pullout speed. If dragged right, it would increase insertion speed, and decrease pullout speed. Basically skewing the way the thrusting occurs in one direction or the other.

    I like this idea. Adding to todo.

    Greggori said: On that note, why not add the possibility for a "out-of-sync" humping? As in, two subjects hump at each other at a different pace? Would add some spice to it all.
    Well it's possible. I'll try to experiment with this a bit if I get the time.

    Greggori said: Like, the female fully angles her hips foward before she is fully penetrated
    I'm not 100% sure what is meant by this. Can you show an example?

    Greggori said: And would it be possible to add gyration to the movement?
    Perhaps at some point but currently not planned.
  • edited 11:59AM
    odes said: Greggori said: Like, the female fully angles her hips foward before she is fully penetrated
    I'm not 100% sure what is meant by this. Can you show an example?
    Yeah, I myself found it hard to explain, I'll try to elaborate.

    Lets say before penetration the females hips are angled towards her back. When penetrated halfway, her hips would already bent fowards, compared to the current mechanism, where her hips would bend according the penetration speed.

    I'm sorry if this still is confusing, this is honestly just something random I thought of, feel free to dismiss it.
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