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About the Roadmap

edited November 2016 in General discussion
I notice that not only is the 6.2b patch release on there, but along with 6.3 and 6.4.  What does this mean? I've never seen this shit happen before.   And not only that, but you also moved the Farm tag to "doing".  Does that mean you're pretty much releasing 6.3 and 6.4 as a single update, since they'll be considerably small compared to the rest of the 6.0 cycle, and start working on 7.0?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited November 2016
    Nothing has changed, we just put those items there to communicate what we're doing/planning.

    We're usually going with somewhat of a top-to-bottom approach in what order things are made on the trello board. Separate items are separate tasks. So it means that 0.6.2b is a release that we're going to do. Sometime after that we're going to do 0.6.3, and then finally release it publicly in 0.6.4.

    Yes, some things have started already in the 0.7 cycle. Dogson concept sculpted a couple of characters that we'd like to implement in 0.7, and Pegashis has started roughing out the new environment (that no longer is a farm mind you).

    As with all cycles, the bulk of the new content and features are always added in the beginning of the cycle, with the later releases being more about polishing that content and fixing bugs. 0.6.3 will, from a feature perspective, be mostly about better adapting the experience to VR, along with adding some skins and tweaks that we've been wanting to do. 0.6.4 will basically be a [bug fixed] public release of 0.6.3 (as usual).
  • edited 8:36PM
    odes said: no longer is a farm
    OMG, wild speculations start NOW.  :D
  • edited November 2016
    odes said: no longer is a farm
    dashed my hopes a little
  • edited 8:36PM
    I'm also curious about the farm level...Where the hell else would a dog,cow,horse and sheep hang out together?...A fair? Maybe a ranch? Is it a ranch?
  • edited 8:36PM
    dn19 said: Where the hell else would a dog,cow,horse and sheep hang out together?
    We're talking about intelligent beings, so it can literally be anywhere a human can hang out.
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