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Crash After Placing Glory Wall

edited 1:17PM in Issues
Hey, so when I place a glory wall somewhere the game crashes shortly after. What up witdat?


  • edited 1:17PM
    I'm running the latest public release 0.6.4

  • edited 1:17PM
    Hey Odes, here's the paste link:
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 1:17PM
    what level was this in, and did you have anything other charactrs or props placed before the glory wall?

    the log is showing a D3D error:
    d3d11: failed to create 2D texture id=1128 width=512 height=512 mips=10 dxgifmt=72 [D3D error was 887a0005]

    I'm seeing a lot of posts online that this can be caused by your GPU running out of memory, which could be the case as, according to the log, you only have 1136 MB of VRAM.

  • edited 1:17PM
    This is in the new beach house. Also, about the virtual ram, is there a way to up the juice, a suggested fudge, or what have you? I'm certain I fidgeted with it before

  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 1:17PM
    depending on the motherboard, i think this can be adjusted in the BIOS.

    based off the device id (0xa16) which is an i5-4310U, so you should be able to get up to 2GB of dedicated video memory (according to Intel's spec sheet)
  • edited 1:17PM
    oooo, that sounds exciting can you give me a link showing how? An article ooorr a video!

  • edited 1:17PM
    The option you'll need to edit is called "DVMT" and it should be set to "MAX". Unfortunately most OEM (Dell, HP, Lenovo) setup utilities do not expose this option. On most newer computers, you can go looking for it by shift+clicking the "Restart" option in Windows 8 or later. Select troubleshooting, then Advanced, and finally UEFI Firmware Options. DO NOT change ANYTHING in this setup utility if you are not 100% SURE what it does! You could very easily and very rapidly render your system unbootable.

    If your machine is running Windows 7, or you simply don't see the UEFI Firmware option in the Advanced menu, you'll have to get there the old-fashioned way. This involves pressing a key just as the machine completes its power on self test. Exactly which key depends on the manufacturer of your system or motherboard. If you're still willing to go through with it you can try Googling around to find out which key, or you can simply try mashing several keys on boot. The most common keys are Delete, F2, F10, and F12, although I have seen every F-key, as well as various other keys (including key combinations like Alt+S) used for this purpose. If you watch along the bottom of the screen during the start-up process it's possible that your machine will display a message telling you which key to press.

    Anyway, the option you will be looking for will be called something like IGFX (that's "integrated graphics") Video Memory or IGPU DVMT or something like that. Keep in mind that your CPU's integrated graphics processor shares memory with the rest of the CPU. If you allow it to draw more memory from the rest of the system, then that's less memory that the rest of the machine can make use of. Also this entire post has been moot if you only have 4GB of RAM. Using 2GB via DVMT requires at least 6GB of RAM. Good luck!
  • edited 1:17PM
    Okay, so now the program crashes whenever. I tried upping the ram but that failed. I then followed the advice described at this post and updated Unity. I can go playing around for a bit sometimes before crashing, some times it crashes during start up. Here's the pastebin:
  • edited December 2016
    The Unity update is for the software that is used to develop this game, you don't need it, and you can safely uninstall it (it does nothing on your computer unless you're developing software in Unity)

    Did you got to modify the amount of video ram your graphics card is set to?

    Also, you can try to update the drivers on the graphics card. There you can select your Windows version, download and install them:
  • edited 1:17PM
    The drivers are all up to date. I tried installing the new one on the page linked, but I get an error message: "The driver being installed is not validated for this computer."

  • edited January 2017
    Okay, so I uninstall unity ( I was sporting an older version) and installed the latest version available. The program lasted longer this time, but it still inevitably crashed. Here's the paste:
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 1:17PM
    you shouldn't need to have unity installed at all, installing a new version of unity isn't going to do anything for the game.
  • edited 1:17PM
    Okay, I looked at my Intel HD graphics properties and I see an issue. In the BIOS I set the dedicated memory to 500 something MB but the properties window still says the dedicated video memory is 128 MB. I go back in to the bios and it says that it is 500 something, despite what the properties window reads. What's up with that?
  • edited 1:17PM
    Fixed my issue. I upped my dedicated video memory to 512 MB, but it wasn't updated in the registry. SO! I got this file at this Dropbox link (on the up and up) and ran the exe file to install.

    Then I went to the C drive (this is on Windows 10 btw) > PHDGD Virtual VRAM Tool > PHDGD Virtual VRAM Tool and ran the fdedmem.reg file. What it does is it appends an entry in the registry editor so that the computer gets with the program. Problem solved!
  • edited 1:17PM
    This looks like a driver bug. It's a pity you can't use the generic drivers from Intel, but you can still try to update them from the laptop's manufacturer website.
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