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basic skins now locked?

So by the past "free" users (some of us did participated tho) all had access to a bunch of basic skins, such as bunny's light, or giraffe's dark.

Downloaded latest public build to test out, and found out a tiny yet annoying detail: the slider for selecting skin on bunny is locked apparently.
And you have to load up an old interaction where the skin was applied to that booty in order to get it.

What is actually going on? That lock choice is arguable because of how long we had access to those skins. But as well it doesn't effectively entirely prevent accessing those skins.
Not even mentioning the craze that will took place as soon we get the options to customize those skins tho, thus rendering such lock useless anyway...(can already imagine peoples making interactions looking just like bags of skittles.)


  • The skins are premium additionals, and don't free. :(
  • problem is they where free, and that lock just forces peoples to load old interactions to work around the lock in order to get those skins they where used to have and apply and fap to :v
  • and as soon customs comes implemented, premium skins will need to be really more special than current ones tho
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 1:35AM
    i went back and looked at old versions, i don't think the bunny's skin was ever free.

    there was a bug that some people were exploiting to get around the fact that skins weren't free, but i believe this bug was fixed.
  • 1 public version ago there was no bug, you had access to those skins.
    And still have access to them if you saved interactions using those ._.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 1:35AM
    If you're referring to being able to use "Set value" of disabled sliders, that was a bug which is now fixed...

    That said, I think the current implementation is sort of silly, and I'm definitely not happy about that pledge tier. Anyone can just load up an interaction with the skins you want, and you'll have access to them anyway (which is a consequence of us not wanting to completely ban alternate skins for non-patrons). It's mostly a convenience thing right now with the sliders.

    We'll see how/if this will change with YL2.
  • well you can even load some on the cloud to work around the lock: tried to see if there's any way to get cat's neon-red nipples away for any other skin.

    And you can actually access pretty much any skin.
    The lock is now more of an annoyance than anything else tho
  • wait what...


    for real :D
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited December 2016
    i checked 0.5.4, 0.4.4, and 0.1c before posting, they all have the skin slider locked until you 'unlock features' with your patreon email.

    as odes mentioned, it was more so the convenience of arbitrarily changing the skins rather than the use of the skins themselves (e.g. via cloud interactions) that was what patrons were getting access to.

    "YL2" is what they've been internally calling the separate branch of the game focused around the new engine structure.
  • edited 1:35AM
    The slider never worked for me, but I was always able to change the value of the skins using the dropdown menu. I have been playing around with this program for over a year now, so it wasn't a glitch specific to any one version. 
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 1:35AM
    Pandamonium said: always able to change the value of the skins using the dropdown menu
    yeah, that was a bug ;)
  • edited 1:35AM
    lol all this time I thought the slider not working was the bug. I wasn't even aware that I was not supposed to have access to them. Paying for something everyone else has had access to the entire time, is probably a little annoying. While the workaround is great for female characters, its the male wolf skins I miss. Unless you can find the combination of the characters and skins you want already connected... Just finding one with the male you want is possible, but with 2 or more, pretty unlikely. 
  • edited 1:35AM
    In the end, while it's fully understandable that you want to restrict some features to have something for Patreon tiers, it also means that less of that restricted content will be around for Patreon users to enjoy because the free users can't make use of it.

    I imagine that after a new public milestone release like the current one, there will always be a surge in the amount of new features that are being put to use now. During the WIP builds, you kinda have to rely on enough Patreons creating scenes with the new stuff or create them yourself.

    Just out of curiosity, do you have any rough percentage numbers that you could share concerning how many scenes are submitted by Patreon/WIP users compared to how many are created by free users?

  • edited 1:35AM
    It's pretty interesting -- I have basically never downloaded any poses from the yiff cloud. Maybe I'm a narcissist, but I'm just not that interested in seeing what someone else created. So talking about patrons having "less content to enjoy" really confused me for a good while.

    Just an interesting difference in viewpoint.
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