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So Charlotte is Perfection

I didn't know if I should make a separate thread just to stroke egos and gush about the new character but I figure if I throw a suggestion in at the end I might get away with it. Anyway, you guys knocked it out of the park with Charlotte. Deciding to do a "passion project" type character was clearly a great idea. From the tightness sliders to the thigh/butt creases, the attention to detail  and effort is pretty apparent. She just looks so good top to bottom. So much so that I went and remade a bunch of my old interactions and replaced my old favorite character (Bunny) with Charlotte. That was when I noticed that Charlotte's back is pretty plain with no definition to her muscles/shoulder blades. Which brings me to my suggestion of giving her some detail back there. While her hair usually covers her back, I do like the look of back muscles glistening while a girl is working that D.

But other than that, keep up the great work. You guys are amazing and you're making the choice to be a patron an easy one.


  • wanna pay an access to current build just after reading this ^

    we need more advertisement around every characters :v 
  • given is out of the table now, and Patreon's disadvantage of "you gotta wait one month fam" is done and fixed.

    Time to tie credit card to this project, its been long time, and I do believe Yiffalicious studio worth support
  • edited 1:30AM
    I haven't been following the patreon thing closely. so if I was to pledge $12 now, would I be charged on Feb 1st as well? 
  • edited 1:30AM
    As far as I know, Patreon now works as charge upfront, and you should be charged an entire month when you become one, charged again the same day the following month, and having access to the rewards almost instantly.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited January 2017
    Thanks for the praise. We're glad we managed to get something out before the end of the month, but we're not 100% satisfied with her yet. We're probably going to do another revision or two before we feel content.

    Right now there are some glaring issues that will be fixed for sure, such as dark "shadows" appearing with inflation and such. But we're also not fully content with the tit shape in general, so I think we will need to adjust that a bit more (for all states - default, inflated and deflated).

    There are some issues in the normal maps as well that needs fixing. I'll be sure to let dogson know the back area needs more definition. We can throw that in at the same time as fixing these issues.
  • yeah, pledges are fixed, you'll be charged the day you pledge, access the goods instantly, and you'll be charged month after month at the same day
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited February 2017
    Kitsune_McSwagg said: yeah, pledges are fixed, you'll be charged the day you pledge, access the goods instantly, and you'll be charged month after month at the same day
    We had a user who got charged instantly with upfront at the end of the month, and then again the first of the new month. So I'm not sure if this is accurate. I'm gonna ask Patreon about it.


    "After your initial immediate charge, all following charges will take place on the 1st of each month. If you become a patron to a creator towards the end of the month, this might come across as a double charge; but the initial charge acts as payment for the month in which you became a patron and the next payment is for the month following."


    I wrote feedback to Patreon about it, suggesting they should charge the user at the same date as the user pledged rather than on the 1st.
  • edited February 2017
    I understand how are they thinking: they consider that you're paying for the current month rewards, no matter what day of the month you start being one.
    But I feel like in the most cases this is bad for first-time patrons... except if they pledge on the first day of the month.
    I know that managing the incredible amount of transactions that a site like Patreon has must be a nightmare, but now looks like the change to "charge upfront" was somewhat of a rushed patch.

    By the way, I would put that information first on the overview page of Yiffalicious' Patreon. I know it's not your fault but a lack of communication by Patreon, but an annoyed patron is bad for both parts, so while Patreon does not address the issue, it would be good if your patrons had all the information before being one.
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