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Snapshot scripting?

A scripting system for snap shots would be handy. The ability to dump an interactions snapshot stack, make edits via s text editor and reload into the interaction.
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere so I'll just toss this out as something to think about.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited September 2015
    That's a pretty cool idea, but it seems like it would be something used by a very small percentage. What's wrong with editing snapshots in the interaction editor? What feature are you missing that makes you want to edit it in a text editor?
  • edited 4:20PM
    It can be difficult keeping track of settings when dealing with more than two characters, other than that, no problem.

    The real advantage to a script would be in very fine tweaking of expressions, force values and the like. A user could also make a library of quick cut actions and tranistionals that would otherwise be tedious to duplicate for every new interaction.

    Not a big deal overall but if you are having trouble thinking of new things to put on the roadmap, scripting may be worthwhile.
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