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Yiffalicious is wonderful, why don't you extend it with "non-furry" action?

my congratulations for your product, it is by far the most advanced sex vr-game i've ever tried (and i tried also a few paid ones!).
but i really hope you will consider creating some characters that are not furry, cause i think it would really be awesome for those like me who are not into furry creatures...
your product is so advanced that i enjoy it in any case, but it would be really perfect if you follow my advice...
i know there are a lot of non-furry product out there, but really, none of them are as good as yours! i would totally pay for such a product!
thank you


  • edited 12:36PM
    I belive there was something going on about an elf-girl being introduced for Yiffalicious for some time already.
    edited 12:36PM
    Whew, lad, you sound like one of those deviantART guys with the SONAMYxNARUSASU2007 usernames that pester artists all day about getting free art of your fetishes. Seriously, going to a game called "Yiffalicious" and asking them to "follow your advice" by adding something that doesn't fit the narrative of the game is kind of a strange move. I can understand asking if there will ever be something like that added, but the way you worded it is pretty arrogant. Besides, it's best to wait until they get the character creator up and running before asking.
  • edited 12:36PM
    Uhm, i m sorry if i sounded arrogant, maybe it s because english it s not my mother language, i didn t mean to! I swear :)
  • edited 12:36PM
    I don't think he was meaning it that way. It just sounded like he was voicing his opinion. It's also not that unreasonable of a suggestion. I would definitely pay to see a human and furry go at it.
  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 12:36PM
    Right, keep the tone civil and it will all be dandy.

    Humans and Humanoids are at this stage a matter for our planned Character Creator (CC for short because we are lazy) but they won't be any prioritized set of species until we feel that the CC can create a wide variety of furry species first, and that could take an arbitrary amount of time too.

    Hope this helps.
  • edited 12:36PM
    Thank you Dogson, sounds reasonable to me! Keep up the good work!
  • edited 12:36PM
    I feel ya. I liek human dick in beast-women too.>//3//>
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