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We really need ferals. I will be ready to pay for a well made feral wolf! (male and female hopefully)


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 1:43AM
    No feral characters are currently planned. If we ever get to implementing ferals, we'll probably start cautiously and pick something less likely to cause controversy, such as dragons.
  • I don't see how they could create controversy. Not more than anything else already present. But, I do wish to see ferals happening. Yiffalicious has so much potential.
  • edited 1:43AM
    SpiritTheLoneWolf26 said: I don't see how they could create controversy.
    I know of some people who would be put off the idea. With controversial things I would recommend putting them in the app but ask if the user wants them in the app as soon as they start it for the first time.
  • Yeah that'd be an idea. It would resolve this "controversy" problem and all will be happy.
  • edited 1:43AM
    I honestly doubt it's that simple.
  • As a matter of fact it is that simple. 
    Why wouldn't it be? 
    Unless the people that have that "controversy" chase us down despite the option to turn ferals off.
  • edited 1:43AM
    This has already been discussed (
    I would also like for ferals to be included, even more than humans.
    And I don't really think controversy is what's stopping the devs to implement ferals, what I think happens it's just that they have no interest in them.
  • edited 1:43AM
    if there's ever a full custom character implemented will happen sooner or later

    but begging hard for stuff that already been answered "nope.avi" for good reason tho...
  • @Horsie  I guessed it. But we really need ferals. The potential of yiffalicious is already big. But with ferals... That'd add so much potential and appeal.

    @Kitsune_McSwagg I hope they will at least add that.
  • edited 1:43AM
    Also, Odes said before that the ik solver they're used is only designed to work on humanoid characters, so even if there's a character editor powerful enough to create a feral, there are chances that it does not work well with Yiffalicious.
  • @Horsie  ik solver?
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited 1:43AM
    ik = inverse kinematics, it's what is used to animate the limbs/joints and make sure they behave as if they had a skeleton inside of them.
  • I didn't do much of rigging but... wouldn't that be the same? 
    ik behave the same.
  • edited 1:43AM
    I don't really know how does it work, I only remember Odes saying that. Also I may be remembering it wrong.
  • edited May 2017
    SpiritTheLoneWolf26 said: I don't see how they could create controversy.
    Ferals are non-morphic, what would be considered borderline or straight up bestiality for many people and attract bad reputation for the app within and without the fandom.

    Personally, I don't care, whatever sails you boat. But you can see how the mere possibility of having it implemented can be troubling.

    Remember GTA's hot coffee? It was a hidden feature, but even non gamers marched on the streets and wanted the game to be banned for it.
  • edited May 2017
    @nathan ;
     How's that? 
    And still, don't see the point as EVERY furry porn site has bestiality. And, still, if it isn't harmful to anyone... People do so many harmful things that still today get considered ok.

    Plus I honestly meant feral on feral. 

    And wasn't Hot Coffee a mod? 
  • edited 1:43AM
    I think that controversy is a non issue, because you can say that they're humans and here you go, legalities fixed. It's the same trick that is used for obviously underaged characters on porn videogames: "Disclaimer: All characters in this game are over legal age".

    As for Hot Coffee, it was a minigame that Rockstar tested while in development. It wasn't approved for release with the game, but the game files for it remained in the released game, and the mod merely put a way to play that minigame. The minigame wasn't much fun, and there was no nudity on it.
    It shows how broken mainstream american morality is when a game gets banned for a sexual minigame with no genitals nor nudity, that is also inaccessible without a mod; but you can readily kill unlimited amounts of people (including innocent pedestrians) by any means (guns, cars, explosives...) and THAT is not a problem.
    The worst about HC was the reaction from Rockstar, that blatantly lied about it to the media, saying that ALL the content was produced and inserted by the modder, when he only enabled the minigame. That didn't work, and the game was rated "AO", effectively banning the game from sale. Rockstar had to recall all discs, remove the HC files, and release it again.
  • @Horsie ;
    Exactly... Humans are weirdly stupid. 
    There is censorship for porn for everyone as no one wants to be "disturbed" by such a bad thing.
    But kids movies have now wars in them.
    I watched the first Planes with my little cousins and I must say there is the best scene of war of the past 5 years probably. 
    I'd rather have kids see some docs on sex or even porn rather than learning war. 
    They don't do that because senseless violence is always understandable to human eyes and can be explained to kids, while reproduction is just... "awkward". 
    "Ew... You are watching porn! Why can't you be like everyone else and go watch gore photos?!" 
  • @Horsie ;
    And still, it is considered bad for wrong reasons. 
    If you don't hurt anyone and if they are ok with that, I don't get why it is so bad...
    Plus there are states in the US that legally permits you to legally marry horses. But that's not bad. Forcing an animal in something such useless and meaningless...
  • edited 1:43AM
    There are many things I would like to have in the game, if they happen, cool, if not, well there may come a time when I'll just stop being a patron. The developers are doing the work, those of us who appreciate that work will continue to voluntarily pay. In general however, no, we don't *need* ferals.
  • @worsel ;
    I think a furry game needs ferals. 
    But it needs other things too. Obviously, I asked for something I'd like. 
  • edited May 2017
    I'm sorry I have to disagree there. A furry game doesn't NEED ferals. It doesn't NEED anything. It's up to the developers to decide what the game should have in it. From a technical standpoint, I sympathize with the idea not to put it in because it would take a lot of effort to put in a feature that only a small margin will enjoy. From a controversy standpoint, I don't blame them for not looking into it for reputation reasons. Even if you put in a disclaimer or an option to turn it off it will still disgust some people and when you are trying to get your app known to as many people as possible you really wouldn't want to risk it. I get you want it but it doesn't need it.

    Also your point about censorship, it's an extremely touchy subject. Saying porn is censored and violence isn't is a very weak point to make as they are completely different things. First of all, the reason sites like pornhub don't allow controversial (though legal) content is because they want to attract a certain type of audience. The average pornhub user would be disgusted if pornhub allowed any and all videos on there and therefore they wouldn't visit it anymore. However there are plenty of places on the web to go for your fetish if you look. I'm not sure if this is the reason Odes chooses not to look into it but yiffalicious is already considered a hardcore fetish app as is so reputation is key to its success. Adding ferals could diminish the audience instead of build it.

    Second, you can't compare porn to violence regarding censorship. Violence (let's say in film) is not viewed in the same way in porn. Porn is viewed as a person's fantasy and violence is just a fact of life, as sad as it is. From a young age I learned that people kill and maim each other for different reasons and it's tragic but it's something I needed to know. People who like to see animals have sex? That I didn't need to know and I'm glad I found out later in life. And even though I knew that such terrible violence was in the world it was still censored to me. I didn't look at any gore pictures as a child and I still don't unless I know it's fake.

    Human sexuality is a very fragile thing and most people prefer to filter out the weirder stuff. Odes said ferals may not happen so stop trying to force it on them and everyone else.
  • edited May 2017
    @SixAndAHalf ;
    I'm not trying to force them! 
    Obviously, it's up to the developers! This was the whole point of making this post. To make them know there are requests for it. 
    So, I couldn't even try to force them. It's like trying to force CoD developers to add clowns in their games... (oh, right... -.-) 

    And, honestly, as much as I am sorry to hear that, I have to say that humans are just messed up. 
    Sex (or however you want to call it) is a part of life. Violence? It is not. 
    And I miss the point on how people are happy to see war scenes done so well in kids movies. 

    I don't know how that could disgust people more than the core game. 
    As only an option to have only ferals on ferals it would be childish to complain. But even making it possible on anthros too. 
    I don't know how you can be disgusted by this thought and not violence/gore as an entertainment form... 
    And I don't know how someone can be disgusted by a feral being a furry. I think it'd be kinda hypocritical... 

    And disgusted... honestly it's childish too...

    And they still added ass waves and body parts inflation and cum inflation that many furries find it to be disgusting instead of ferals.
    I understand your point but it's not like that.
    (plus I'd have a long long argument on "people's weirder stuff")
  • edited 1:43AM
    @SpiritTheLoneWolf26 ;
    Even inside the furry community, ferals are a relatively small fetish. One of the most recent surveys says that less than 17% is interested in them, so you can't say "Yiffalicious needs ferals!", as it implies that everyone wants them.
    But don't think i'm against them, I also would love having ferals in the game, but I never asked until someone created a thread asking for humans, and when Odes said that "maybe eventually", I asked. He said no, and that's it.
    Then, about what a person considers disgusting, it varies wildly from person to person. For example, I like porn with feral on feral, or anthro on feral, and also plain zoophilia. But I find violence in sex disgusting and a total turn off for me. And Yiffalicious doesn't have ferals while it has several bondage equipment.
  • @Horsie ;
    I say we need as that is a feature that could fit the engine. 
    then, again, not liking ferals being a furry is just a bit weird to me. 
    and I don't understand how humans can make it in a furry game but not ferals... 

    this is frustrating and stupid. 
  • edited May 2017
    SpiritTheLoneWolf26 said: I don't understand how humans can make it in a furry game
    Again, just go to inkbunny or sofurry, and look for furry on human art or stories, you'll find plenty more than feral on furry.
    Also, it has to be lots easier to add a human on Yiffalicious than a feral; so even if furry on human is not the most popular theme on furry porn, at least is not excessively costly to add a human character to Yiffalicious.

    But as I see you thoroughly disappointed, I'll give you something you'll find interesting: Skyrim.
    It's very, very, very, very difficult to set up, but you can mod Skyrim to play as a furry and fuck with almost all monsters and animals from the game. You'll need Skyrim plus all the three DLCs, or Skyrim Special Edition that comes with all that. Then go to and start reading and installing a fuck ton of programs, files and mods; then you'll have to do lots of tinkering, and you'll get lots of unsuccessful attempts and game crashes, but while I lost interest before achieving something cool, I have seen videos on naughty machinima that show what you can get, and it's pretty good.
    By the way, if you try, document how you got it working, I'll thank you very much if you share a guide, as I never found a complete one.
  • @Horsie ;
    That was something I was going to do anyway... 
    And I know how to set them up so I won't (hopefully) have many problems. And no problem in that. I will be glad to help a horsie out... I don't know how long it will take for me to finally decide to take and do all that but I will warn you and help you when I will... on specific mods too...

    What I was trying to do here was suggesting additions to Yiffalicious.
    And by "we need ferals"... that was what I want, yes. but it was also to attract people.
    Look how many replied,..

  • edited 1:43AM
     It's up to the developers, but it is something I'd also love to see implemented.
  • @TheTruthTeller ;
    Sure it is. 
    And many people would find furries more controversial.
    What I am trying to say is that ferals would be the less controversy they will probably get. 
  • edited 1:43AM
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