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[Foxfemboy] Striped Grey Fox

edited March 2017 in Custom skins

Updated link:

hope you all like. 

PS:sorry for messing up at first the zip stuff is confusing


  • edited 9:33AM    Because i don't think the image is showing.
  • edited 9:33AM
    It doesn't seem to be installing right. It appears under all characters in the skin manager but it doesn't seem to be recognized as a fox skin. I can't drag into the box. Is this a bug of the skin or the program, or am I just an idiot?
  • jei3jei3 Moderator
    edited March 2017

    SixAndAHalf said: Is this a bug of the skin or the program, or am I just an idiot?

    it's not you, it's the skin manager not liking whatever the skin was zipped with, and some mistakes in the zip itself.

    * the skininfo.txt is missing
    * the character name is wrong (it's foxfemboy not femboyfox)

    i'm working on finishing up an app that will zip up skins for you to help avoid these types of issues.

  • edited 9:33AM
    Cool, thanks Jei3!
    Setting up the folders and zipping them up individually is kind of a pain if you've got multiple bodyparts skinned so this will definately smooth things out down the road.
  • edited 9:33AM
    I would also appreciate that greatly
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