Ye, but it's only the fox... the wolf for example does not have those issues. You can open up the wolfes mouth to max, and still his tongue does not stick out from both front and back like this...
All I'm saying is, this shouldn't be happening just by maxing out 2 sliders, which touch the same parts, together. I mean, aren't the tongue and teeth somehow attached to the lower jaw? They shouldn't get this detached just by combining 2 sliders, should they? Especially the teeth, since a slider for them doesn't even exist. ôo
i agree, it would be nice if this didn't happen. i'm not a dev, but from what i understand of how the blendshapes work, this is very unlikely to be something that would be fixed easily or quickly.
odes is on the thread, so he's aware of it.
i just wanted to add/reitterate that this isn't a bug specifically with the fox, it's a broader issue that comes up when stacking multiple blendshape states on top of each other and affects all the characters.
Yep. It's not game breaking and not a high priority issue, that has to be fixed instantly. I just wanted to mention this, because no one did before, as far as I know. And it is something that should be fixed at some point. Odes reaction to my first post tells me, that he didn't seem to be aware of this issue until now. So maybe they'll look into this, now that they know about it.
combining blendshapes has always had the potential for doing weird things, this is hardly the weirdest thing you can do
stacking expressions that touch the same parts don't blend well (or at all)
fwiw, you can get nightmare fuel out of the wolf too, if you stack his facial expressions:
odes is on the thread, so he's aware of it.
i just wanted to add/reitterate that this isn't a bug specifically with the fox, it's a broader issue that comes up when stacking multiple blendshape states on top of each other and affects all the characters.