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Charlotte has some issues

edited 11:29AM in Issues
Thing is Charlotte's tail doesn't behave like all the other characters' tails. Instead of swishing, it gets all twirled up in her back like a flailing noodle.
Also, when her tum gets bigger than the default size it flails like a wild flubber rather than a cute bowl of jelly. Is this happening to anyone else?


  • edited 11:29AM
    I think I read somewhere that they were changing Charlotte's tail back to being like Rhino, Khana, etc.'s tails because of this. I may be wrong, but it would probably be best if she had the older type of tail instead of the new type that the dragons use.

    As for her belly, yeah. The physics on it could be toned down a bit so that it doesn't slide all around her body when inflated.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:29AM
    Recordings would help.
  • edited 11:29AM
    Hey hey! Got a recording. In it you'll see Char's ponch shaking weird and her tail twirling all strange.

  • odesodes Administrator
    edited April 2017
    Thanks, I see what you mean. I'll try to tweak this for the next release.
  • edited 11:29AM
    Awesome! Looking forward to that btw, this prog is cool for mellowing out with.
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