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Information on progress about YL2

I'm wondering if we can have a post about the progress on YL2, the last post about that on Patreon was on february 22, also there's no updates on Trello since 0.7.1.


  • edited 10:54AM
    Maybe they are working on it right now, making games can be long. Though, I'm expecting them to tease us in a fee months or so.
  • edited 10:54AM
    I know they're working on it, and from time to time Odes lets something slip, like today saying YL2 will have manual animation, but I just would love some progress report to see what's going on.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 10:54AM
    I'll try to post an update in the near future.
    edited April 2017
    Yeah, I was pretty confused, too, seeing as we have a couple people insisting that they're stopping development of YL1 to work 100% on YL2, when there's absolutely zero info about it (canceled, delayed or otherwise) on the non-Patron side. It's the same issue as the Lust Over Reality devs and how they have a Patreon page AND a Discord server with very little info for the non-patrons, but apparently they're not dead, according to some loose-lipped patrons. I've been getting a slight bit of disposable income recently, and I'd rather not spend a cent of it just to find out whether or not the devs are just sitting on their hands collecting money.

    TL;DR: We need more info, guys!
  • edited April 2017
    SRP said: Lust Over Reality
    -Offtopic warning-
    I wondered why I never heard of LOR or their game "Adventurous Monster Breeder", and when I read the patreon page I sure thought that it was a joke, some kind of parody, but it looks like they're doing 1K/month. I can't believe it.
    Maybe I'm spoiled by projects like Yiffalicious or Rack 2; but just look at the patreon page itself. It's amateur at best, full with errors and crude attempts at trying to look cool.
    Then I downloaded the public version. Oh my god. The graphics are basic; looks like they bought the cheapest assets on the store. There's only two characters, the animations are choppy and without transitions, and the menus get stuck on screen and can't be closed.
    Well, see for yourselves: 

    edited April 2017
    I've said it once and I'll say it again: I don't know what's up with it, but furries have way too much disposable income and their wallets are very leaky. Heck, I've thought about utilizing my sub-par 3D modeling skills to cash in on that motherlode, to be honest.

    Edit: forgot to mention the menu glitch is caused by opening the menu too many times. Yes, that's right: there's no code in the game to prevent the menu from being opened more than once! To fix it, you just have to close all of the menus you have stacked up.
  • edited 10:54AM
    SRP said: the menu glitch is caused by opening the menu too many times.
    No, the glitch is caused by using ESC to close the menu. You go back, but the menu stays, and then you can't close it no matter what.
    edited 10:54AM
    Just verified: Yes it does do exactly what I said it does. You hit escape once to open the menu and it will only take one click to close it, but any further presses of the ESC key will just add to the number of clicks it will take to close it.
    edited 10:54AM
    No more of this conversation, though; we're not posting in the off topic category, so tech support for an entirely different game is pretty much a no-no.
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