So basicly as the title says, instead of potentially fludd the skin forum with requests, i thought we could have them all here in one thread.
When a request is forfilled i will do my best to edit this top post to include it in a completed requests list.
ALSO! no Ocs, i want this to be for already existing characters. If OCs is on high demand i think we can just make a second thread for it instead of here.
TottoDurhamRequester: Onakaxy
?OC/unknown source?:Princess Kitty:
Fox mccloud (fox model)
Wolf O'Donnell (wolf model)
Katt Monroe (cat model)
Miyu (cat model)
Fay (no working model atm)
General Scales (Can work on the fraenir model?)
Balto (wolf skin)
Jenna (no working model atm)
Web comics;
Better days;
Fisk black (No model atm)
Lucy black (cat model)
The mare six (All could work for now like apple jack?)
Renamon (fox model)
Ponyta (Horse model)
Rapidash (horse model)
Sly cooper (Fox model)
carmelita fox (no model atm)
TV shows;
Bojack horseman;
Bojack horseman (Horse model)
MR penutbutter (Finn model)
Princess Carolyn (Cat model)
That is all for this update of the thread

I'l be back to add in images to all links and suggestions

If i have missed any characters and requests be sure to tell me down bellow so i can fix it
her name is Annika, and the last i heard the plan was still to include her at some point. doing a mane six pack of skins came up the last time she was discussed.
Oh, my bad, thought it was you since it was your post that i found it in and no other such post on the forum
"her name is Annika, and the last i heard the plan was still to include her at some point. doing a mane six pack of skins came up the last time she was discussed."
Aha, i will edit it in
can you explain where you're getting stuck at? the steps are going to vary depending on what graphics program you're using.
Dragon Princess should be easy. Should have a working skin for you by the end of the weekend.
I made a terrible Photoshop of a Charizard skin for Ilinir but I'd love to see it fully working
also @duskreaper someone is making a Salazzle skin right now
Toss me some feedback?
If thats not possible, maybe someone could do one for Cynder from Spyro??
Sorry if I seem awkward, I'm new to this forum.
japanese swimsuit.
For the dragoness, I'd love to see a proper pink, from pastel belly to bubblegum markings. I'd also kill to see a primarily white dragoness.
Or really anything for the male or remale dragon that's based on the D&D chromatic dragons.