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So custom skins are awesome, but to make it better...

edited 12:42PM in Suggestions
How about giving the characters more empty slots, or a way to auto-magically make more available, maybe the custom folders could add to the index if possible, so long as the models aren't hard-coded with a specific number of skins in mind? (By which i mean aren't flexible as such, i know you've added skins to characters in the past.)

Or as a stop-gap measure, give the characters each a number of "dummy" skin slots for custom ones to be loaded into, that would load the default skin if another wasn't there to overwrite it?

If file size is an issue, have them load a dummy file that isn't actually a skin?

Forgive me if this has been suggested before, i couldn't see a similar topic on the first or second page.

(BTW, maybe worth mentioning but i actually re-pledged partially due to the custom skin feature. I have high hopes for the future!)


  • edited 12:42PM
    Bumping this.

    It would make life easier, if you'd simply give each character "8-10" skins, which would be a copy of the base one, just have a different "ID" so you could replace them using the skin manager.

    It's especially painful in respect to characters who have only one skin slot available for them, such as Antelope or Deer.

    What's more, each character could use more slots for each of everything, from penis to hair (especially as I think all of the penises have only base color and no slider for them).

    I know you probably don't wanna meddle with YL1 too much, since you started working on YL2, but this improvement would go a long way to give YL1 more longevity as people/supporters await arrival of YL2.
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