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Some ideas I got.

edited 11:09PM in Suggestions
One thing I have been wondering...

You have a rotation for the head to go up and down, how about having one for looking left or right. It would be great for those bent over moments to 'look' over the shoulder.

Also would it be possible to have an anchor in the neck or head? I know there are alot of us that want to have a comforting hand holding the head up or 'stroking' the side of a face during naughty stuffs.

Another one, is it possible to look at a rotation at the waist n upper back for more of those 'look around' moments.

Also wondering are you planning to have more emotions for each of the characters such as closing eyes.

Ah yes I almost forgot. Is there a way you could implement the use of a 'leaning' for the other. We do have this for the main 'giver' but he receiver doesn't have this 'yet' for those riding moments.

That is it from me... for now :P 


  • edited 11:09PM
    Until it gets implemented you can artificially simulate vertical turning of the torso either by anchoring the legs and turning the whole body or "over-extending" the arms.. That's what I do but it doesn't look quite as good as if there were the rotation points you've mentioned, of course.

    It would also be quite nice if there was a rotation point at the base of the penis to significantly lower clipping in gay poses and to improve the ability to pose a solo male character. This point - of course - wouldn't be on the top character. The top's penis can already be kinda rotated through the Transform menu.

    I would also like to be able to move characters at the same time without breaking their pose. I'm not sure if that's possible, though.

    Just sharing my 2 pennies worth.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited July 2015

    We want to make it possible to make the character look at a certain point of choice, so the head rotates automatically to look at this point.

    When you say "to look at a rotation at the wais n upepr back", do you mean you'd like to be able to add two points, that the character moves his/her gaze between?

    And sure, we'll anchors for neck and head.

    Leaning is something we had actually before first release, but it caused some issues so we had to remove it. But we want to add it so it will probably go in there at some point.

    Oh and yeah, we're adding more emotions to characters in the next release. :)

    There are anchors for the horse, but we forgot about the rhino. We'll add anchors to his penis too.

    Wait a minute, we have anchors for the rhino penis. What exactly do you mean have an anchor at the base? There is one already.


    When you say moving without breaking their pose, you mean like moving the whole interaction basically relative to the world? That could be done. But it cannot be the default mode because that would mean you couldn't move the characters relatively to eachother.
  • edited 11:09PM
    I don't mean anchors like that. I mean points of rotation.. erm... anchors that you can use to rotate - like the ones on the elbows and the knees. An anchor that would allow us to position the penis instead of just allowing us to parent another object to it. Another way to do this would be to put one on the tip which you can move positionally within a certain boundary - almost exactly like the one on the feet.

    Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Perhaps there could be a key we could hold to switch between relative to the world and relative to the characters? I think that seems like the best option.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited July 2015
    Oh ok I see, you want to be able to rotate the penis manually.

    And yeah, we could do something like that. There's just so many things in todo right now.
  • edited 11:09PM
    Yus. ^-^

    Sure, I understand. I can even see it thanks to it being public. That is quite the list especially considering there are only 2 of you. Such minor features can hardly be a priority.

    However, whatever you do, it will be absolutely amazing. You've proven as much so far.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited July 2015
    Thanks man.

    I looked at the penis rotation thing, and while it's not that hard to do, it breaks backwards compatability and the penis cum twitch thing. So before the manual penis rotation thing could be added, these two things must be addressed. It will probably be added at some point.

    I saw you wrote at u18chan. Bare in mind that a new release can introduce new bugs too (patron 0.2.1 release in this case). Furthermore, we're going to do promotional artwork and stuff, so we can go all out guns blazing for the public release. Public release is some time away still.
  • edited 11:09PM
    Naw. Thank you. I'm not the artist here.

    That makes sense. One thing at a time.

    Sorry about that... I am kinda over-hyped. I can and will wait, though. It's the least I can do. However, I do see at which rate you're fixing bugs and all that so it's very likely not going to be too long.
  • edited 11:09PM
    Thanks for the response.

    Well for the "is it possible to look at a rotation at the waist n upper back for more of those 'look around' moments."
    I kinda ment that the spine is able to twist slightly so we can do a pose like this without forcing the arms to lock.

    When you also work with an animation like this the body keeps wanting to snap back to a straight back all the time creating funny head bobbing and odd movements.

    Ah and I see there was one I forgot to mention, the knees and elbows, would it be possible to look into a way to 'lock' them in place just like the feet can, as there are moments when one is on their knees and taking the weight there. =)

    An idea that I just had for the 'position' of the penis, if it is not anchored to the other 'entrances', could a transformer or the force be used on that one independently? In smaller words, work on its own just with the body almost like how the tail works if it is not 'going into a tunnel' ;)
  • edited 11:09PM
    I am curious as to if their is any plans on having the poses saved for each snapshot.  I have ideas of having entering a room; a sort of slow softcore scene.
  • edited 11:09PM
    I was thinking of something similar for a project I was working on, where specific "canned" animations (or Mechanim) could be used to set up an interaction, using scripting like "Walk_To <mark>", "Say <line>", "Wait <time>", "Emote <expression>" etc.  Basically the idea would be to script the characters to a specific position relative to each other and then blend into the first "pose" used by the interaction.
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