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Question about technology.

Hello Creator!
I have recently started learning Unity.
This game seems to be very smooth and excellent graphics, sexy connection part.
What kind of Asset or technology is realized for such a good expression?

I am very interested.
If it is a company secret, it is very sad.

Also, I rely on automatic translation. Please forgive my poor English.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 7:19AM
    Hi there NewbieChooChoo,

    Thank you.

    Most of the technology that isn't already included in Unity has been custom built by us. There is no specific asset we're using. As such, they are indeed company secrets.

    Good luck in your development.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 7:19AM
    Oh, I forgot to mention. When it comes to IK though, we're using this asset:

    But most of the things that have to do with all the sex and penetration mechanics are custom built.
  • After all, those techniques were created...
    I think that it is very wonderful.
    And thank you for the tip!

    Thank you for your prompt response!
    I will continue to support Yiffalicious from now on!
    Cheers to creators!
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