Every once in a while a technology comes along that completely revolutionizes gaming as we know it. In case you have never seen or heard of SpacialOS Improbable you should really check it out.
Here is a tech demo on youtube:

If you dont want to watch the video this tech is an engine that runs other engines like Unity, Unreal, CryEngine, etc on top of SpacialOS. It also has cloud based computing by Google Cloud in which is powerful enough to run YL on a browser, smartphone, etc with no loss in quality and they could probably push the graphics and depth of YL 10-100x and still stream it over the web with no loss in quality. As well as it offers a dynamic AI system as well that can run millions of Entities with 100,000 players seamlessly in an area the size of Belgium.
And while this is mean for really large scale next gen MMOs like Chronicles of Elyria, YL could still greatly benefit from this technology while keeping their no just yiff no bs approach.
And while the simulations could be massive YL does not need to do anything remotely that large. They just need a couple of versions that have small towns or genres like space, medieval, etc in which these sims can run in.
From there the dynamic AI can be tuned in such a way that npcs just want to yiff all the time and players can just watch the action unfold or you could also have your own pc char that wanders around and you can control.
The other thing is that you can just attach positions to props so like you sit on a couch or chair and another furry just sits on top of you and the action begins. Or you cna bend a fur over a table or whever. You could even use the current way to design positions the AI would use when the action begins.
You could also have more animations or automate some of the action like emotes or gestures. The AI is also smart enough to learn, remember, emotional states, etc. So once you learn a new positions or have someone do it to you then you can then do it to someone else. Or the same with the npcs roaming around.
You could even incorperate a seamingly endless amount of colors, furs, characters, etc seamlessly with thousands of players and thousands of AIs, buildings, and props with no loss of quality.
Just a though but it is worth checking out and imagining what could be.