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install wizard or not?

I'm a Mac user, I know the program is Windows oriented but, sense the last public release i've had to install/reinstall Yiffalicious every time I want to play it through Wine; instead of how it was first released without the install wizard. So I was wondering if the future releases are going to also be in release in the same way. Basically what I'm sort of saying is that people could choose if they would want the bundle of files or just the install wizard. Either way I can deal with it if theres no way around it; knowing how much of a pain it is to organize and compress the files.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 1:10PM
    Sorry, no plans to remove the installer, but I'm pretty sure you should be able to run the exe directly w/o reinstalling every time. I'm not a wine expert, but after running the installer there should be a yiffalicious.exe somewhere on your computer. If you run wine on that file it should work I think.
  • edited 1:10PM
    One more thing, what program did you use to put it into install wizard format?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 1:10PM
    We did actually publish a zip too:

    We're using inno setup.
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