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Tiny characters? unbirth scenes?

edited 12:20PM in Suggestions
Hello, so as subject says, how about adding smaller character, which could be used for anal, or vaginal insertion? ...
It has potencial for unbirth / anal vore scenes O:
I would support that ;x


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:20PM
    How static may this character be? I think it would be hard to make a dynamic character, but having a dildo in the shape (and color) of a character would be possible. Sex toys is something we want to explore later on.
  • edited 12:20PM
    Well, if i may explain what would be pretty awesome to add.
    Characters to move around (walking...) , after you get the objects move, from there you can easily make like, grab scenes,  whatever, move around to change position.... that would be like one movie, way too awesome. But i know how hard that is.
    And to the dildo idea, yeah i guess thats the easiest way to do it, but the character could be a littl squirming too? Maybe since its going to be "dildo" like action, theres no point on body customizing on that. You could use just one slider to increase size from micro to bigger guy?
    Sorry If i bother :p  , i am doing some animations and I know its pain all this, you surely have other priorities at the moment.
    Your engine is just so awesome.... so many ideas rushing in !
  • edited 12:20PM
    nu reply? :c
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