I've been using Yiffalicious for a while, and from the beginning it has thoroughly impressed me with the quality of the animation and models. It is clear that effort was put into the project, and the fact that it is free to the public is honestly amazing. It is also nice to see the steady flow of new content being created by the community; it shows how much the application has enabled people everywhere to freely and anonymously express their fantasies. For real, guys... what you're doing is great, and I hope that you will continue to add to Yiffalicious. (I'm excited to see what YL2 is all about

But anyway, I recently got myself an Oculus Rift with Touch controllers, and was having a good ole' time sitting on my bed and watching Maya's virtual booty bounce on my virtual shlong right before my eyes. Instinctively, my hands drifted forward to grab hold of da booty, but of course nothing happened. Obviously nothing
would happen, but what if through integration of the Touch controllers, something would
VIRTUALLY happen? There's an Oculus game called "Robo Recall," and a significant part of it is that you use the Touch controllers to actually grab your enemies in the game and tear them apart piece by piece... it's pretty freaking awesome. Clearly that sort of violence isn't what I'm looking for in Yiffalicious, but it sure would be cool to be able to reach out with my touch controllers and take hold of a character within the interaction. A cool feature that would come from grabbing said characters would be if you could control them to some degree, which would override the current snapshot. What I mean by this is that once they are grabbed, they would enter some sort of "ragdoll" mode, where the player could move them around a little bit according to where they moved their controllers.
If Maya's bouncing cakes are driving me over the edge, I'd be able to reach out to her shoulders and hold her down into my lap for that brief moment. Once it has passed, I could let go and the snapshot's predetermined settings would reassume dictation of her movements.
That is how it would apply to my specific situation, but I think the ability to grab stuff would greatly increase the level of immersion to be had in VR in almost every aspect. A couple of virtual hands floating where your hands really are, Wii style, that could be placed anywhere on and interact with your virtual partner's body, would be incredible.
I have no idea how difficult this would be to program, therefore am in no place to make any demands; you guys are the ones that are making the magic happen for everybody, after all. I would greatly appreciate it, though, if you'd only consider my suggestion. (VR hand controller interaction, just to be clear; I kinda spilled my thoughts into the text above. Sorry if it was nonsense

Thanks for reading my suggestion, and I wish everyone a great 2018! Also, I'd love to hear any thoughts or other suggestions from anyone that has any.
So, as long as he doesn't have any VR controllers, that kind of control won't be added to YL2.
I said that I don't know if he got a Vive or Oculus touch.
Also, I think you're blowing this out of proportion. Do you know what is the percentile of VR system users of Yiffalicious? Because it's likely very low (I'm guessing less than 1%), so even if Odes has a Vive/OT, I think his time is a lot more well expended working on YL2 and not on VR stuff.