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Giraffe Physics IK

edited 12:12PM in Issues
Not sure if it's just me but the Giraffe's leg physics seem to be broken. When I turn the visual on the blocks are normal but after editing for a while they start flying all over the place. Not sure what's causing it or if it's already a known issue.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:12PM
    What build?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:12PM
    I can confirm this in the latest build, 0.2.1. Not sure how far back this goes, but it is fixed for next release.

    Thank you so much for sharing this!
  • edited 12:12PM
    It was there since at least a build or two after the release. At first I didn't even know the physics sliders were there, then I found them and they worked fine for Horse and Bunny but not poor ol' Giraffe lol. Glad I could help in some way. Keep up the great work guys. I'm backing you on Patreon and spreading the word to everyone I can.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 12:12PM
    Thanks man, means a lot!

    Thanks again.
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