So I'm rather new to Yiffalicious, and so far it seems pretty interesting so far. I have a few requests for customs skins how ever, there's four characters I'd like to have custom skins for. I got one Fox, one Dragon, and Dragoness, and one Shark((If Sharks are in the game))
Unfortunately, Yiffalicious has a rather limited character roster, with six males and seven females (two of which can also be herm/shemale) and skins are the only way to somewhat expand it. Also no sharks, sadly.
Most things could be substituted but hair is the main factor from i see it. It's recommended to look for character who can either change hairstyle and still look like that said character or have no hair at all.
Comments Alligator skin for dragoness Existing shark skin for dragoness Mik the Otter skin for cat This is the shirtless version of the one on the top [Khana, Wolf] Kindred (League of Legends)
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