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Yiffalicious is free, but..

I noticed a few days ago that you could download Yiffalicious (version 1) for free, no problems at all, but since I read this line: "Yiffalicious is free". That got me thinking.. To download YF2, you need to be a Patreon member, which costs money, not to brag and stuff, but.. If YF1 and YF2 is free, then why charging you on Patreon, in order to download it? (Again, not to brag)


  • odesodes Administrator
    You can't download YL2 yet even as a patron, but it's true that the first builds of YL2 will be for patrons only. This is not something new. Builds of Yiffalicious were also first released to patrons before going public. This is a standard approach for many creators. The only reason projects like Yiffalicious is possible is because people are willing to finance such endeavors.

    YL2 will eventually be publicly available for free in some form.
  • Ah, okay, thanks. Seems like I didn't understand it fully. How's the development going, by the way?
  • odesodes Administrator
    It's going fine, thank you. :) Things have taken longer than anticipated, partly because we severely misjudged the amount of work required to get the app to where we wanted. But all in all, I'd say we're in a good place.
  • Great to hear! I'll be looking forward when Yiffalicious V2 is in Beta!
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