Je veux aller au bout des mes fantasmes
Je sais que c'est
Je suis folle, je
Mea culpa

Ameliée Reliure (Liée for short) is, seemingly, an introverted,
mild-mannered archivist with a rare neurological condition that
affects her vocal cords; she can speak, but doing so is painful. The
poor girl can only manage a sentence or two before she needs a rest.
Consequently, she’s developed a bit of an obsession with non-verbal
communication, and coupled with the fact that the material she
curates at her job is primarily BDSM related, it’s little surprise
she’s got a darker streak of taut latex hiding under the unassuming
She can pull off
both the roles of dominant and submissive, as her condition lends
itself well to the masochistic thrill of pleasured screams inflicting
considerable pain by themselves, as well as the sadistic act of
making others have even more trouble speaking than her with a (rather
impressive) collection of gags.
With new and improved horns, old Aeniolus cuts a most statuesque figure, as someone made of bronze ought to. While not the most precious of metals, it has a certain warmth to it and is not afraid to be among the common folk or of doing some proper work, much like the cheeky dragoness herself.

...In a press statement earlier today, Brownmane Heavy Industries reassured the public that the experimental liquid latex prototype that escaped their laboratories is harmless, aside from an overactive libido. However, they cautioned that while the unit is loaded with standard behavioral constraint programming, it has not undergone extensive quality assurance evaluation and therefore may exhibit unusual and unpredictable behavior. BmHI is offering a reward for any information that could lead...
Brownmane Heavy Industries proudly presents: U5-4G1 model FThis chrome comfort unit is fit for all your sexual needs, especially with the optional D attachment for all you more adventurous user out there. Lonely nights are a thing of the past with her at your side.

From the fabled land of Albion come two hearty horses; Sheridan, the short but stout Shetland Stallion and Shirley, the strong but shy Shire Mare. This dichotomous duo is sure to see some sexy shenanigans.

Having trouble estimating the size of the character you're making? No worries, we have the solution! Introducing the 5-Meter Height Measure, counted in centimeters and with inches on the other side for all you sneering imperialists out there:

(Protip: increasing the scale to 2.0 essentially makes it a 10-Meter measure for any truly giant characters; just remember to multiply the height it indicates by two to get the accurate number.)
Also included is the handy 1-Meter Length Measure, an absolute must-have for any dick measuring contest you might find yourself a participant of:

Need a spiraling horn? We've got you covered with these two beauties; the classic straight and proud model as well as the trendy, dynamic curved variant. You'll be making all kinds of mythical beasts in no time with these in your arsenal:

While most of Liée’s custom assets are tailor-made for her and
therefore probably need adjusting for other characters, the sybian,
riding crop and nipple piercing are fairly universal, at least. I'm sure her tail will also prove useful for other unicorns and maybe some other species as well.
Still, I’ll bundle them all into one package for convenience’s

Character Files:
Sheridan the Shetland StallionShirley the Shire MareU5-4G1 model FU5-4G1 model F w/ D attachmentL41LA1-1 the Liquid Latex LifeformAeniolus the Bronze DragonessAmeliée Reliure the Unicorn -
Dominant -
SubmissiveCustom Assets:
Measures, 5-Meter for Height and 1-Meter for LengthSpiral HornsL41LA1-1's Rising Goop Puddle and
Goopy Fluff MaskAmeliée's Assets
Works best when the characters don't overlap, but with a bit of extra work, that could be done too. The biggest problem with that would be the posing, since you can't see exactly where the other characters are going to be when posing one character.
Also, made a quick update to Shirley; realized I forgot to put eyebrows on her. Link's updated with the fix.
Also also, there's a bit of a bug with the fluff rendering. I'm guessing it's not based on the amount present but rather on camera position relative to the center of the default editing area; it also happens in the editing area, but on the bridge it happens far more often, generally with angles that point away from the editing area.
Exhibits A and B:
Now you see it...
...Now you don't.
Here's the output log, in case it helps.
Also also also, Thank you kindly, Dogson. What exactly do you mean by "eagerness to try to push the mesh that you put down in your work", though? The fact that I go nuts with the bone editing features and create bodyshapes that wildly differ from the original base model? Well, experimentation is always fun, and if I can get interesting results with it, all the better.
Yes, the eagerness part was in that you seem to use all the tools available in there with the bone scale editing, one thing I hope more users will try to use to get what they want out of the body mesh but I don't think I've seen that much of up to this point.
I'll happily admit that it could be a failing from our side, making the bone scale tools looking a bit intimidating for users having nothing to do with 3d space manipulation earlier on and that we may need to overhaul the UI/UX on the scaling part, making it much more user friendly in an future update.
But then, I went on something of a character customization pilgrimage before your first release, so I'm more used to screwing around with complex UI elements than most and therefore I might not be the best source of advice. All I can really say is that you should never sacrifice flexibility for simplicity, especially with a system as powerful as this one, as that always runs the risk of dumbing things down and limiting user abilities, which would obviously be disastrous.
Ran into another bug; it seems balls can no longer be made metallic:
No metal...
...Full metal, no effect. Also tested with a fresh character on a fresh start, same result. Guess our robot bunny will have to make do with rubber balls for now.
Output file for your convenience.
And thanks for making us aware of that bug. I'll investigate immediately.
Guess what? More bugs. Well, less like bugs and more like graphical imperfections, I suppose, but anyhow:
Looks like decals have some issues with unwrap seams. Dunno if much can be done about that, and it doesn't show too well unless you go real up-close and personal like this, but I figured I may as well point it out.
Sclera colors could use some work:
All well and good, but if we turn a bit...
...We get more whitening than at the dentist. As a suggestion for future updates, more control of the material of the eye wouldn't hurt. You might want a less shiny eyeball for some characters, for example, or perhaps go full chrome for others. Heterochromia would also be a nice feature to have, even if it encourages gratuitous sparkledoggery.
Also, alt-tabbing in pose mode can cause some texture maps to go haywire. Unfortunately, my dumb ass didn't take screenshots or logs of it when it happened, and it doesn't happen every time, so you'll have to take my word for it.
Speaking of suggestions, could we perhaps get a method for only affecting selected fluff instances? The brush tool's great when handling lots of fluff, but it lacks precision when you're trying to aim at an errant fluff instance in the middle of a bunch of other fluff instances to make corrections. More often than not, you'll "correct" more than you were bargaining for. To be honest, I think the fluff instance list you got rid of would have been a pretty good feature, since that would have allowed you to see and make precise changes to the transform amounts, too. Consider adding it back with that functionality enabled, maybe put it under some sort of advanced tab if you're afraid it will confuse and intimidate people. Or maybe only have it enabled for the currently selected fluff instance, that would also work.
Oh yeah, some bugs with fluff editing, too. Again, I don't have screenies or logs, but undoing tilt changes tends to undo more than just the last step, going straight back to the start. Can also happen when undoing state changes of different types, but I'm not entirely sure by what logic, seems pretty random. Undoing move tends to screw up rotation, as well.
Here's the custom assets I used here; a goopy fluff mask and a rising goop puddle object (which turned out to be quite tricky to make, since I've only done rather low-poly stuff up to this point, but I think it turned out alright), so others can try their hand at making slime characters:
(This used to be hardcoded at 1, but now we have this slider so you can set it to 0.)
Output log.
Looks like the limb position and deformation might be influencing factors.
Angle and tilt don't play well together if too many of them are on the undo list back-to-back, it seems. This is with tilt and angle modified once:
This undoes and redoes without issue. However, if we modify tilt again...
...And undo back to start...
...Then redo back to latest...
...Well shit. Output log.
Didn't expect the eye fix to be that quick, heh. Looks good.
Aye, the floating fluff options sound like a good solution.
Interesting idea with the decal projection, and seems to produce good results. Still, it definitely isn't top priority, seeing as the current system works well enough for most purposes and who knows how tricky the new system would be to implement.
I have not been able to reproduce the issue you're having with tilt and angle. Undo and redo works for me regardless of how large the stack of actions is. (I tried doing this on the female canine template, as the seems to be what you were using in your example.)
Could some outside program be messing with the undo function (or the textures)? I keep a bunch of programs and a browser open in the background to play music/podcasts and in case I need to fiddle around with art assets.
Outside programs shouldn't be messing with the undo function. It's only when the application is focused that it receives key strokes.
Decided to see if the masks actually got changed in any way...
...Everything appeared to be in order. What's more, upon switching back out of mask view...
...Everything was back in order. What's even more, though, is that this apparently inoculated the character against the bug, at least during that particular load of the character:
Alt-tabbing to PS...
...And back again...
...No more accidental bleedover on the balls. I'm guessing the issue might depend on whether the character is freshly loaded and unedited or not. Output log in case it helps.
Seems doing a forward and backward tilt change one right after the other causes at least some of the instances to spazz out, but only for one state in the undo chain:
State 1, right before positive tilt change...
State 2, right before negative tilt change. Note the errant instance...
...Which corrects itself in state 3, and stays so...
...In state 4, which is the last on the chain. In fact, it stays very still, but I'm not sure if that's due to me not hitting it with the brush or not. Output log (Pastebin complained about the size again).
Also, forgot to suggest this, but I originally found myself wanting to turn L41LA1-1 around the Z axis to get a better angle for the background of the camera shot. Well, I went about trying that by selecting everything:
Grabbing the Y-wheel and swerving, aaaAAAAAA...
...AAAaawOuch. Good thing she's made out of semi-liquid latex. Hmmm, now that I look at this, though, maybe if I...
...Yes, looks like I can achieve the desired results by selecting only the relevant nodes, namely the active limbs and pelvis. Looks like I wasted a good half-hour or so Photoshopping her promotional image yesterday, heh. Bit of a false alarm, I guess, but some method for quickly selecting the nodes and easily turning/moving a posed character around wouldn't go amiss. I guess you'd have to write a script that checks which limb nodes are active and selects those in addition to the pelvis.
Ran into some bugs again. Shocking, I know. Let's start with the most minor one:
Apparently, loading a character made with the first release introduces a very visible seam on the breasts. It's an easy fix though; any fiddling with the breast inflation slider causes it to disappear:
Unfortunately, it's present every time the character is loaded, so one has to remember to fix it constantly. Also, the seam on the underside of the breast is still somewhat visible:
While we're on the topic of minor cosmetic flaws, the eyes don't shut quite fully with the blink options. That's fine from an angle above the head, but from bellow or directly facing, well...
Tried out instancing, with unfortunate results. Firstly, when converting a part into an instance, it tends to break mirroring:
Luckily, it's an easy enough fix by simply un- and rechecking the mirror tick:
Unfortunately, if you then go fiddling with the rotation or position of the reference part of the instances, it breaks their rotation and position and undo won't fix it. Didn't grab screenies of this, or the logs for it or the mirroring bug, moron that I am. The file of Aeniolus is one without instancing, though, so you can test it as well.
Also, the alt-tab issue manifests in a new form and in this case, it is an issue in windowed mode as well:
Switching window and when we come back again...
...We're missing horns. The issue is even worse in pose mode:
Switching out and back...
...Oh dear. Without part instancing we also get the other horns to go wandering:
Much as with the instancing issues (and the alt-tab mask issues from earlier), though, un- and rechecking the mirror tick fixed and inoculated the parts against the bug, but only on that particular load of the character. Also, seems that only the custom horns suffered from this; the stock ear tuft meshes stayed put. Managed to remember to grab the output log this time around, too.
Something rather interesting happened when I tried to import the first versions of the measure models:
Seems whatever auto-smoothing thing you've got going on doesn't like really low-poly models.
Curiously, zooming away lessens the effect, guess it's something to do with Level of Detail:
Armed with that knowledge, I just subdivided the meshes aggressively and that seems to have done the trick, at the cost of significantly increasing the objects' filesizes, of course:
Here's the buggy versions of the measures in case you want to fiddle around with them.
So, how did I arrive at what scale to use for the measures? Well, I figured that since the Male Canine Template stands on plantigrade legs, it's a reasonably safe assumption that he's more or less the same height as the average human male. So, if we set the scale so that the top of his head reads 175,4 cm...
...Eh, close enough. That slight deviation doesn't hurt the measure's usefulness too much, since we aren't doing rocket science and a rounding error here and there isn't going to cost millions of dollars, heh.
That's unfortunate, but thankfully, they're only minor annoyances and can be countered. Guess we'll just have to scratch it up to some weird quirk in my particular machine. We'll see if they persist in future builds.
Using the faulty mesh you provided, I simply just made the edges hard with auto smooth and angle in Blender, and then exported it again with the normals. This works fine:
Didn’t run into any new bugs this time around, but I figured out yet another quirk in the alt-tab issues saga; apparently, they only apply to a freshly loaded character so long as it hasn’t been saved. As soon as it’s saved, even if it’s just overriding the file it was loaded from without any changes, it renders it immune to the issues until it’s loaded again. Could the issues have something to do with the fact that loading a character uncouples it from any save file until you manually specify which file it should save to? Might be worth investigating.
I’m guessing there’s no method for making things transparent yet, as I couldn’t find any option that’d do so (aside from the hair shader, I suppose, but that’s a bit too imprecise and non-uniform for what I had in mind). While sunglasses are cool…
...It would be nice to have regular glasses, too, without being cheap and just disabling the lenses. I’ve also got a few ideas for transparent characters, but internal bits like the mouth and vagina could put a bit of a damper on those plans, as they’d show through, no doubt. I’m guessing it’s possible to somehow cull those from the render at the appropriate angles, though, since I’ve seen it done in other games.
Also, gotta ask, why is the native scale of YL2 models so tiny? I need to blow them up to ten times the size in external editors (been using 3Ds Max, by the way, since I managed to snag myself a 3-year student license for it) to work on them in any capacity, as the camera will just clip through them otherwise, and that still leaves it difficult to work on the really intricate details, and, obviously, I’ll invariably forget to resize them back to the correct scale when exporting. I’m guessing there’s some method for setting the editor’s internal scale to match the model’s but I’m too much of a lazy noob to find it.
Well, don’t really have much else to add here, so I guess I’ll just show off some screenies of Liée that didn’t make the cut for the promotional image:
Thank you kindly for the glowing praise, heh. The "clothes" are indeed just textures, with the buckles and the bits of latex they connect to being 3D to better sell the illusion. I was thinking of what I could try to push the limits, and realized that skintight clothes are a possibility with textures. I already had this character concept laying around and it was a perfect fit for testing the idea. It's not perfect in execution, though; especially the frontal buckle tends to not line up nicely thanks to breast physics dragging the texture with them. Still, for a hacked-together implementation with minimal testing, works far better than I dared anticipate.
Changing bodytype should theoretically work since body textures should map to all of them (will probably need new leg and hand textures for the different models they have, though), but the buckles will probably need re-positioning to line up nicely. Feel free to use them for your own projects if you'd like.