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Mirror & parenting bug

edited December 2015 in Issues
"Please report any bugs you may find in our forum:"
You've created a monster.
So there's 3 things i found while checking out 2 new masterpieces from Dogson's hands, I would break english badly in every way trying to explain what's going on with these, so here's a vid.

1. Mirror seems to disappear if you choose too big angle, however this is not happening when camera anchor is in the middle of mirror or somewhere around it.
2.Mirror does not reflect water (Personally i don't care about that one since this app is about yiffing not enjoying sea views)
3.Parenting bug, I want to notice that this bug didn't appear in this version, I saw this one earlier but this time it's harder to manage than before. After parenting to buttcheek anchor, other character's hand is separating from it's anchor, teleporting, wierd stuff.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if you already knew about it.
But leave that until holidays are over.
Merry Xmas/Happy Hanukkah/Whatever you celebrate.
PS. It might look like I'm nitpicking on mirrors, but honestly it's great addon which has been solved in superb way. I'm lovin' it.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited December 2015
    Thank you so much for sharing this!

    1. Definitely a bug. We'll have a look.

    2. This is sort of an intentional choice. If mirrors were able to reflect other reflective layers, then a delayed feedback loop would ensue. Something like this:

    That would be very distracting. So right now reflective layers don't render other reflections.

    3. I'm having trouble reproducing this bug. Can you share a pose where this happens?
  • I knew uploading this would be a good idea.
    author:"haste", interaction name: parenting bug
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:36AM
    Awesome, thanks. I'll have a look later on.

    Thanks again.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:36AM
    1. Fixed.

    3. This is an issue with the driver quality option. Try disabling it and the behavior will change. I'll dig deeper into this at some point, but got some mandatory socializing to do right now.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:36AM
    3. Fixed.
  • Woah, I can't belive how fast you can deal with all that stuff, truly impressive.
    All hail odes GODes!
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 11:36AM
    Thank you.

    I'm no god. I just like to solve things.
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