Sequoia - Watchful Guardian - Final

Shane - Heavy Lifter - Final

Daphne - Dappled Doe - Final
Dakota - Stoic Stag - Final

Trojan - Sculpted Saboteur - Final
Apollonia - Fiery Chariotess - Final
El Palo - Humble Stud - Final
Checkers - Bashful Beachcomber - Final
Group Photos
Apollonia holds a friendly contest to find out how the Stable 'Members' measure up.
"I figured out why they call you 'El Palo.'" - A
"¿Oh. . . because of my birth mark?" - PP
"No silly - it's your eighteen inches of Latin love!" - A

"Feeling a little cold? Need me to warm you up first?" - A
"Very funny, just get this stupid contest over with so I can get back to my nap." - C
"Four inches... so... I don't suppose you're a grower and not a show'er?" - A
" . . . " - C
Outdated Stuff
How do you install a yl2c file? For the life of me, I can't find info on it.
You can just load the file from any location (File > Load in YL2).
By default, characters are stored in "%appdata%\YL2\Characters".
Thanks for making us aware of that issue. I will investigate as soon as I can.
No, thank you for all your dedication.
I'm glad you like her, but I'd be careful, she may look hot to trot, but I've heard rumors that she's a bit of an ice queen.
Love your work @Craket!
Inspired by,
Loin cloth is one of those things our clothing system is not well adapted for atm. I intend to add simulation to clothing so this type of clothing will work well in the future.