With permission from
@Dogson, may I take apart the dragons from the Yiffilicious 1 models, and create parts, textures, and assets that can be utilized for this FurryVNE, and make them public here? Credit will be given to you. I just like Illinir so much, I decided to take the parts from the pre-existing model during my time and make some more Dragon assets. I love my Dragons/Scalies, as much as my Equines! And Dragons have a lot of parts, and the more parts available for models in this community the better! Here's some of the progress, so far. Not fully done making those cut-out parts a seemless piece that fit with the form of the dragoness base, yet. But, we're almost there.
https://ibb.co/BfKSJ1Khttps://ibb.co/F5N2yB9 https://ibb.co/tKXc5SS
Okay, so here's the parts that were separated as is. Apparently, the flaps are just planes, it looks like, and they do this bizarre effect, when imported to FurryVNE. They don't do that in Blender. Now, keep in mind, all I did was amputate the wing from the original Ilinir model. The wing front piece and the wing itself came like this.
Now, I decided to join the separated models together to make it a unified piece. And I merged the verticies, went to "Mesh", "Normals", then "Recalculate Outside" AND "Reset Vectors". Everything I can think of to make the vectors, edges, and faces go the right direction. As you can see, it looks a bit janky, but no collisions on the meshes.
I don't know how well you can tell, but I tried to take a picture from the inside to show as best I can, no collision...
But, when imported into FurryVNE, this happens, like it's DRASTICALLY colliding through each other. You can even see as if some of the seems are splitting apart, or some phantom mesh is slicing through them.
Even other parts of the wings appear as if the mesh isn't even connected at all.
But, that's not all; this is the wing from the first set of pictures, as is, before the meshes were joined. As you can see, the meshes are having a similar effect there, too. Like, it's not even attached at all. And I went into blender, those parts are attached.
Now, my theory is that since the flaps appear to have been planes connected to the main wing, and FurryVNE doesn't like planes, it's causing some issues. But, I just don't know how to fix that. If you'd like, I can send the 3 obj files to you. The Wing Front Piece, the Wing Original Piece, and the Wing Unified Body piece (the one where I joined the meshes together). If there's any way to save me the headache of remaking those flaps, please let me know!
A potential solution is to give the wings some thickness so multiple sides don't share the same vertex location.
It's donzo!