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Zanarck789 Suggestions

edited 10:53AM in Suggestions

Before I begin, I'd like to say thanks to all the great work that you guys are doing! Keep it up :)

Instead of creating a new discussion for each suggestion that I have, I think I will keep them under one topic from now on. I understand that some of these have been suggested already by other users, but I wanted to voice my opinions as well.

Build 0.4.4b

  • Ball Inflation for Horse - His feelings are getting hurt... his balls aren't nearly as big as the others!
  • Balls Twitch During Cum Animation - One possible way of doing this would cause the balls to quickly deflate, then re-inflate by roughly 10% of their current inflation size (even if the balls are at minimum inflation). During this time, the balls will move slightly towards the body, then go back to their resting position. I think this would make the cum animations have a little more "oomph"!
  • Slider for Ball Deflation - It would be pretty awesome if male characters would lose some of their ball inflation during their cum animation.
  • Cum Sound Effects - Again, just to make the cum animations a little more powerful. Possibly allow the option of turning this sound off if people don't enjoy it.
  • Individual Characters Cum - Some poses will look a lot better if individual character can cum, rather than all of them at once.

These next two suggestions are a bit difficult to explain... but I will try my best!

  • New Type of Resistance In/Out - Currently, the resistance sliders trigger when a part of the penis is larger than the rest. (When any penis enters / Horse middle / Wolf knot). The Rhino is feeling a little left out though, and he has the biggest member! My suggestion is to create two new sliders. One is a toggle... it determines if resistance in/out is caused when the size of the penis changes (in the game currently)... or when a certain distance is reached. The second slider is the preferred distance when the resistance in/out occurs if the "certain distance is reached" toggle is used. There may be a more user-friendly way to do this, but this is the first thing that came to mind.
  • User Interaction Buttons - I created a pose that can make this easier to explain. If you search for "zanarck", select the pose titled "Zanarck_2". Play the animation, and open the Snapshots tab. You will notice that there is a snapshot called "CLICK ME". This snapshot will cause the horse to cum, then go back to his normal animation! However... some users may never find this animation. Perhaps a few sprites can be added to the bottom of the screen, and when they are pressed, it will direct you to a snapshot. It would be pretty neat if these buttons had variable background colors and various pictures (Cum Spray, Happy Face, Slow, Fast, Horse Penis, etc).

Sorry for the lengthy post! Thank you for your time.


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 10:53AM
    Zanarck789 said: Ball Inflation for Horse
    The ball (no pun intended) has been set in motion. We're hoping to have this for 0.5.0.
    Zanarck789 said: Balls Twitch During Cum Animation
    Can you show us an example animation of this? So we have something to go by.
    Zanarck789 said: Slider for Ball Deflation
    Zanarck789 said: Cum Sound Effects
    We want to revamp sounds in general. We're not happy with the current state. Cum sounds would definitely be added when we get to this point.
    Zanarck789 said: Individual Characters Cum
    Zanarck789 said: New Type of Resistance In/Out
    That's actually a pretty good idea. I'll add it to todo.
    Zanarck789 said: User Interaction Buttons
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by "some users may never find this animation" as argument for this feature.

    You mean you want certain snapshots to be more noticeable than others?
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 10:53AM
    Really loved that interaction btw. :)
  • edited 10:53AM
    What I think Zanarck is trying to say with "User Interactive Buttons" is to be able to add UI elements to a snapshot, that when clicked go to a specified snapshot.
    I his own interaction, I guess what he wanted is to have a "CUM NOW" button not hidden inside a menu.

    Having this plus the speech bubbles (or text dialogue system as it's on the roadmap) would be awesome, as you would have the tools to create more interactive interactions...
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited January 2016
    Zanarck789 said: Ball Inflation for Horse

  • edited 10:53AM

     odes said: Can you show us an example animation of this? So we have something to go by.

    The closest thing that I can find is "RockCandy - Rudolf's Revenge". NewGrounds Link: The ball twitching rarely occurs, but when it does, it shrinks only a tiny bit, then goes back to normal size.

    odes said: You mean you want certain snapshots to be more noticeable than others?
    Pretty much. Out of the 8 or so snapshots that I have in that pose, I only want users to manually click on one of them. The cum animation in that pose is only accessible if they click that snapshot themselves. What is the best way to indicate that the creator wants the users to manually click a snapshot? I don't know... but a new collapsible menu at the bottom of the screen was the best that I could think of. Perhaps all that is needed is different button color choices for the current snapshot menu.

    odes said: Ball Inflation for Horse
    The horse is now happy.

    odes said: Really loved that interaction btw.
    Thanks! I appreciate it, and thank you for the quick response!

    Horsie said: Having this plus the speech bubbles (or text dialogue system as it's on the roadmap) would be awesome, as you would have the tools to create more interactive interactions...
    I completely agree. Although I don't think speech bubbles have high priority, I would rather hear a grunt/moan/screech/sigh and a speech bubble appear, rather than fully voices sentences. That is just my opinion though.
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