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Community interest in Oral Sex

edited January 2016 in General discussion
Personally, I think it is one of those things that would add a -lot- to the game in the way of - well, let's not kid ourselves - sexy time. After seeing what the developers are capable of with everything they've already implemented, I have the highest confidence that they'll get it down eventually. That being said, it does feel like a pretty big feature to lack in what is largely a sex game, even if it is early on in the game's development. 

Not that I'm trying to strong arm the developers (that would be awful!), but I am interested in seeing what the community thinks about oral sex in general as far as Yiffalicious is concerned. Does the community think that it is a necessary function or one that we can live without long-term? Do you think it would add to the value of the game and thereby potentially increase revenue for the developers on Patreon? 


    This can be more difficult than it looks like, but as you can see it's nothing that Y-Crew couldn't do.
    Everything will take place in the right time.
    Community can do brainstorm and try to find sort of "pseudo model" of solution for it though. I can't think of anything aside of mouth deformation or just making mouth a static orifice, who knows how it will look like.
  • edited 9:34AM
    While having oral would be real nice to have, it looks really hard to implement, and I don't see them releasing a hacked or half-assed version just to have it.
  • edited 9:34AM
    MisterBangYourSister said: mouth deformation
    I actually remember seeing a picture from a while ago of exactly that. It looked quite strange because of how large the penises in Yiffalicious are... I do think it would work with Wolf, though (both as a sub/bot and a dom/top).

    As for how much I would like to see blowjobs - I do just fine with the current work-arounds (the POV and/or "hidden character" thingies). Official support of this would be great (especially if combined with but I won't mind if it doesn't happen anytime soon. I cannot speak for the rest of the community because I suck at that kind of thing.
  • edited January 2016

    I personally would love to see oral in Yiffalicious eventually, but from a programmer's point of view, it may be difficult to implement. Here are a few questions/comments that I could think of:

    • Will the "Head Rotation" slider be movable during oral?
    • Mouth expressions would be disabled / changed. (Possibly keep tongue out?)
    • Mouths would become incredibly deformed with larger penises.
    • What will the character's mouth look like when the mouth is not entered? (Penetrator at max distance.)
    • Will multiple penises be able to enter the mouth at once? (Oh my...)
    • Bulging may need to be implemented beforehand, which is a whole other story. A larger penis won't look quite right when the neck is smaller in width.

    As a computer scientist myself, it gives me a head ache to think how much work would have to go into this... but nevertheless... it would be flippin' sweet!

    Would it bring value to the game? Absolutely. Oral would be one hell of an eye-opener.

  • edited 9:34AM
    I would like to suggest that if it is too difficult to implement oral due to size or shape compatibility issues, there could be new characters, or perhaps different sizes or shapes for existing ones, made specifically for this purpose. For example, characters or animals with larger heads and/or mouths, or just smaller genitals. While it would be ideal of all characters to have the ability for oral, if certain sizes or shapes just aren't compatible, having some with the ability is better than none.

    On a related note, what about licking? That may not have quite the shape compatibility issue of full oral... plus it could be done on other parts of the body as well.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited January 2016
    First off, let me just say I'm surprised by the technical understanding people exhibit in this thread. I think it's great fun to see the points being brought up - points some of which we too have thought of (and some we haven't).

    As has been pointed out - oral is very complex. Some of that has to do with pure logical limitations with the sizes involved. There's simply no way to physically fit some penises into some mouths. But there's more than that. The actual motion is in itself a lot more complex than simple anal or vaginal penetration. You can't just move the head back and forth as with we do with the pelvis, because sucking (or fucking mouth with force applied) affects all the bones from pelvis to head in a chain. Of course it's possible to pull off, but it's harder.

    Furthermore, the orifice solution we've got cannot be applied to the mouth, because it doesn't behave the same way. The "key" vertices around the mouth area are affected by several bones (head and jaw), and the orifice solution is based on the assumption that "key" verts are only affected by one bone. Could it be altered to support more bones? Of course! But there's no way to fetch vertices affected by several bones in a performance efficient manner. Either you have to manually calculate the positions using bone weight information (per vertex), or you need to bake the mesh and fetch the vertices. The first method is computationally very heavy and cannot be threaded because it would rely on Unity API which is single threaded, and the second causes massive garbage collection spikes, since fetching live vertices causes unity to allocate vertexCount * Vector3 bytes every time. That's several KB per frame, and several MB per second.

    Because of these problems, we have just looked at oral and said "nope" for now. It might change in the future, but with all the things planned it's almost certain to take some time.

    Oral would be easy to implement in a hard-coded fashion, i.e. having pre-animated scenes. But the entire purpose of Yiffalicious is the procedural animation that works for any character. However, when it comes to oral, I think it might be more realistic to expect a hard-coded instance. Dogson and I have discussed this idea of having high quality, pre-animated instances (kind of like how any of those popular "Click to advance" 2D animations are made), but it's far from certain we'd create something like that. And if we did, it wouldn't offer the same freedom as Yiffalicious.
  • edited 9:34AM

    odes said: Dogson and I have discussed this idea of having high quality, pre-animated instances (kind of like how any of those popular "Click to advance" 2D animations are made)
    Just for brainstorming, would it be possible to have a blend between this and the procedural animation? A possible example being a head and genital set that have hard coded animations, yet the limbs of the characters could still be poseable, and other characters using the normal procedural animation could be added around these characters? Basically inserting a hard coded animation into a normal scene to make up for what is too intensive for the procedural method?
  • edited 9:34AM
    @odes ;
    First, thank you for the explanation. I love reading about those things even when there are some really technical aspects I'm not completely understanding.
    odes said: There's simply no way to physically fit some penises into some mouths
    I guess you're talking about the girth? Because the rest of the size attributes also seem like can't physically fit in some combinations with vaginal or oral...
  • edited January 2016

    Horsie said: I guess you're talking about the girth?
    ... I found the "oral test" thingies. Those should help in understanding the problem with the size. Here they are:

    Originally posted here:

    EDIT: Sorry for possibly non-sense english. I'm tired or something and me brain no work great.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 9:34AM
    SpaceRock said: blend
    It's definitely something that would be worth investigating, as so many things already on the roadmap. What it all comes down to is time and priority.
    Horsie said: girth
    For the mouth to be able to take a huge dick, the mouth has to open so much that it would dislocate the jaw or open in such a way that it becomes unpleasant to view. As you can see in the images that FenrirWolfe had the courtesy to find and repost, the mouth of the bunny in this instance becomes very snake like. I'm not sure what it would look like for an even smaller character.
  • edited 9:34AM
    FenrirWolfe said: "oral test" thingies
    Ok, perfect examples to answer my question. Thank you for those images, first time I see them.
  • edited 9:34AM
     FenrirWolfe said: I found the "oral test" thingies.
    odes said: the mouth has to open so much that it would dislocate the jaw or open in such a way that it becomes unpleasant
    The mouth does look pretty damn funny when the penis is missing, but is it bad that I wouldn't mind this? Haha.

    When I think of oral in Yiffalicious, I think of the recipient laying on their back, with their head tilted back. This won't change the character gaping like a fish... but it would make more sense for larger penises to enter the mouth this way.

    A GREAT example of oral is animopron's "Lara with horse 2 EP 3 ". I've never seen anything quite like that video... Here is a link to animopron's released videos:
  • edited 9:34AM
    I had an idea! You need to make two types of oral actions. One for both big and small mouth, and one only for small. You already have males and females, with anus, and with anus and vagina. Now it will be new types of characters: who can suck and lick, and who can lick. It looks to me like Khana can take penis in her mouth partially at least. Or may be you will create characters with the big maw in future.
  • edited 9:34AM
    Zanarck789 said: When I think of oral in Yiffalicious, I think of the recipient laying on their back, with their head tilted back.
    The penis is clipped when it enters the anus/vagina. I guess it'll be the same with the mouth, so you can position the head whatever you want, and it will look like the penis is bending and going down inside the neck.

    Anyway, I don't think there's a way to make oral "realistic" so I guess oral will be something you'll need to have a great deal of  suspension of disbelief.
  • edited 9:34AM
    Wouldn't it all be easier to add a scale slider to the penor? 
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