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Buttock twitching

edited 2:14AM in Issues
I'm noticing some twitching of the left butt cheek of the male characters when the legs are in a certain position.


  • edited July 2015
    Oops, actually it's both cheeks, and both males and females, my bad :P
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited July 2015
    Ah yeah. Basically, the reason this happens is because each "side" of the leg's original position is allocated 180 degrees each. And the buttocks are "driven" by this angle to an extent. So what happens when the leg has rotated more than 180 degrees? Well, it flips over to the other side. So instead of the leg being rotated 185 degrees in one direction, the code parses it as it being rotated -175 in the other.

    A way to combat this would be to set up (for us, not you) that each side could be custom. So, for example, instead of 180 degrees on each side, it could be 0 -> 210 on one side, and 0 -> -150 on the other.

    I'll add this to our todo list.

    Thanks for sharing this issue!
  • edited 2:14AM
    I see, no problem! x3
  • edited July 2015
    So sorry to bring up the same issue, but I just noticed that the twitching still happens on the left butt cheek, not as bad, but still noticeable.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 2:14AM
    No need to be sorry! Glad you bring it up.

    Can you tell me which interaction? So I can more easily debug.
  • edited July 2015
    The same ones I showed you guys before in the screenshots, the missionary position, and doggy style position. Only seems to happen on the bunny, and horse.

    EDIT: I've pin pointed it, if the horse, or bunny is bent over slightly, and has his/her leg propped up onto a surface above the floor, and the other on the floor, it happens, but only the left cheek this time. It happens when the leg is up, and the characters is bent over.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited July 2015
    Yeah, confirmed. Really easy fix. Forgot to mirror :/

    The fix will be out for the public release later this week.

    Thanks for pointing this out! (Again.)
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 2:14AM
    And actually, it happens on all characters. Or at least can happen on all.
  • edited 2:14AM
    Ah, that explains it! and not a problem! an honest mistake! :3
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