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game freezing when trying to load office + no output log.

so I just finished downloading and installing version 1.0 maybe 30-some minutes ago, and have been running into some issues. Most notably, trying to load up the "office" level causes the game to freeze. The game would open the loading screen, start at 1% before quickly jumping to 13%. It would then slowly load up on percent at a time over the course of about a minute, until it hits 19% or 20% at which point it would jump to 99% and simply stop responding.

Now, the how to get help with issues thread suggests finding the output log file and posting it. PRoblem is, I don't seem to have one, literally. This is what the Yiffalicious_data folder that I found under Program files(x86)/yiffalicious looks like from the relevant part:

I dunno, is there some way to force this file to appear?

Halp, plz?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited November 2017
    Yiffalicious should install into your app data directory, where it has permission to write output_log.txt. This should be the default directory:


    As for not being able to load office - it's most likely due to your computer running out of memory. Office is a big map..
  • well, I checked, and I guess I have something wrong with my install, since when I went to %appdata%/yiffalicious, it only had four folders in it: cache, custom, interactions, and temp.

    I should mention that I am using the installer for all of these. Is there perhaps some way to uninstall it such thatit doesn't kill stuff like my own created interactions?
  • odesodes Administrator
    Uninstalling shouldn't affect your interactions. You can always back up the interactions folder just in case. %appdata%\Yiffalicious\interactions\local.
  • How can I add to black list the office level?
  • odesodes Administrator
    Unfortunately, levels are not part of the tag system, so that's currently not possible to do.
  • odesodes Administrator
    A workaround is to remove these files in yiffalicious_Data:
    • level9
    • sharedassets9.assets
    • sharedassets9.assets.resS
    • sharedassets9.resource

    Then, make a copy of level2 and rename it to level9.
  • Thank you very much. :)
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