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Head positioning

I don't know if something like this has already been mentioned, but later in the future can we have the ability to position the models' heads along the x-axis?  I know that there's the "head weight" option in the expressions, but that only moves the head up and down as far as I know.


  • edited 10:27PM
    Seconded. This would definitely help with some poses, or even just help make sure the character is looking in the direction you want.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 10:27PM
    We want to make it possible to have the character look at a custom target. It's on our todo list with the name "Custom look at".
  • edited 10:27PM
    @odes Maybe give the head/neck area their own interaction points?  I find it kinda stiff that we can only move those areas with the spine slider.
  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 10:27PM
    Yeah, with the custom look at, the head/neck would basically get it's own target anchor with a line, that you'd drag around. Just like for the spine, but instead it would affect the neck and head look direction.
  • edited 10:27PM
    @odes ok, I'm looking forward to that update.
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