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Grabbing/Hand Interaction

Basically, one thing I've found difficult is creating interactions where a character is holding another; for example, I've been working on a doggy style type pose where I want the driving character to hold their partner's hips/waist, but getting this to line up just right is very difficult. So I have the following suggestions that may make it easier:

More Attachment Points
While in my case there are hip points where I can attach the hands, the actual hand position isn't quite close enough for these to work exactly as I'd like, meaning there is still some drift, especially with the partner mating back, or at high speed/force.

To get around this it would be nice to have more attachment points for this purpose, e.g- on the sides of the hips, more positions on the thighs and anywhere else people commonly would like to attach hands (or feet).

Alternatively, and more complicated, would be the ability to have some kind of "surface attachment", where instead of attaching to a parent node, the hand/foot would be attached to some part of the model's surface. I don't know enough about your game engine to know if such a thing would be possible though, but if it can be done it would allow for far more accurate attachment with less issues of drifting.

Finger Movement
Hopefully I haven't missed some option to change the fingers somewhere, but with the default lightly curling hand position it can be tricky to line up meaningfully with body-parts or props in a scene.

If we could move individual fingers we could do a lot more to tailor the fit to creating hands that are cupping, squeezing, balled into a fist, or ready to shove the fingers someplace. Even if there were just some default options for grab, fist, point etc. this could go a long way to making this a lot easier.

This could definitely be the most complicated option, but a good way to make this automated and easy would be if a hand could be configured to "grab", telling the engine to try to curl the fingers, stopping when they hit any kind of surface (or other fingers on the same hand). This way all an editor needs to do is get the hand roughly lined up then tell it to "grab", with the engine giving an approximate fit that should be good enough for most people's needs. If we also had the ability to move individual fingers then this could still be fine-tuned.


  • I don't wanna speak for the creators or anything, but I do believe all of these things have been taken into consideration for YL2.
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