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Running v1 under WINE (Mac)

So I know running under WINE isn't officially supported, and I normally just run by rebooting into Windows on my Mac, but it'd be nice if I could get it running under WINE as I usually find games run just as well when I can, without the hassle of rebooting.

Anyway, I'm trying to setup v1 with a 32-bit WINE prefix but I'm not having much luck; other people have described simply installing and running, but it doesn't seem to be the case for me unfortunately.

I get as far as the first loading bar, which gets to 99% before the game crashes, presumably just as it tries to display the menu with the beach house as the background.

Here are some of the error and output logs from my most recent attempt:

Anyone got any ideas what I might need to do to get the game itself loading? Who has it working? What additions (i.e- winetricks) did you install (if any)?


  • I had trouble with wine as well, but I was able to use wineskin. Hope this helps.
  • I tried Wineskin winery as well, unfortunately that seems to run into the exact same issues :(

    I've been trying with PlayOnMac's 64-bit prefix support as well, but not having any luck there either, I keep getting an error like:
    Unable to load mono library from "C:/users/renara/Application Data/yiffalicious/app/Yiffalicious/yiffalicious_Data/Mono/mono.dll" (error = 998).
    Seems to be something it doesn't like with the mono.dll bundled with Yiffalicious; I assume it's custom compiled for the program though, because if I try replacing it with one from a mono installation I get a bunch of missing function errors instead.
  • I've been able to run in under Wineskin on a Mac using wrapper Wineskin-2.6.2.
    Here's my settings:
    1. Run Winetricks and install the core fonts package.
    2. Screen options: Automatic, turn off all other options.
    3. Choose the yiffalicious_novr.exe as the program executable.
    4. Try running it first in a window at the lowest resolution and working your way up.
    It only runs on my older 13" Macbook at the 'Simple' setting.  I got it to run on a newer iMac on 'Beautiful'.
    Good luck
  • Run under Ubuntu linux with wine 3.0 stable perfectly. :)
  • edited January 2018
    Aha! It was memory that was the problem for the 32-bit install, I dialled it right back to Fastest and it started up quite happily. I guess I'll just work my way up and see what I can get it to. Can't believe I didn't think to try that first! *facepalms*

    I wish I could get the 64-bit version to run, as it wouldn't have this problem, but I can't get past the mono.dll issue at all.

    Thanks everyone who replied! Well, now that it's running I guess I'm not going any work done for the rest of today  :D
  • edited January 2018
    So it seems 32-bit Yiffalicious can handle Simple quality at 720p on all levels except office (and possible fantasy, I didn't try that). Looks like that one won't load at any size/quality under 32-bit, so I've had to use the trick of swapping it for a copy of level2.

    Anyway, next challenge, anyone know why Yiffalicious wouldn't be recognising my main monitor? It only seems to recognise my secondary monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050, but not my main monitor (actually an HDTV) supporting 1080p. Because of this I can't run fullscreen at any resolution because the game launches onto the wrong monitor, but in windowed mode I'm limited to sizes that would fit my second screen, so I can't really fill the main monitor using the window.

    WINE seems to be detecting my screens just fine, in fact I can see them in regedit under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wine/Mac Driver/Initial Display Mode, but they're in the wrong order (my secondary display is listed first) which may be part of the problem. Any ideas?
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