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Beard on the rhino?

Ok, so I remember seeing the sexy beard on the rhino before he was released in yiffalicious, I'd love to see the beard actually become a feature of the rhino, I just think it would make him even more male, and manly LOL


  • DogsonDogson Administrator
    edited 6:38AM
    The beard was mostly prototyping for seeing what would work and what wouldn't. There also weren't any overwhelming positive reaction to it back then, mostly neutral or "meh"

    But it's interesting that now there's inquirers about the beard. If there's even more people wishing to see the beard on him I'll take my and do a game ready beard mesh. 
  • edited 6:38AM
    Yeah, I didn't realize just how sexy the beard was until I saw the porn art someone posted here, and on patreon. And the scar you were testing out with the wolf character, now I feel like any kind of sexy bodily feature like those are very important for the male characters. Anything that makes them look tougher, and more manly is a plus <3 scars, beards, mustaches, eye patches, cigars LOL oh god that would bring the sexy level to 11 :D
  • edited 6:38AM
    Influencing hearts and Minds...and boners! XD

    Crazy, considering I've always had a much stronger preference for the clean shaven look but appreciate a nice looking beard.
    Tho some guys take them way too seriously, had a fuckbuddy that used all his vacation days so he could not leave the house when he fucked up his trim and had to start from scratch.  
  • edited 6:38AM
    SexyLizard69 said: eye patches

    Yes, please! ^-^
    Oh, my god, yes! Especially on the wolf... Wow.
  • edited 6:38AM
    Beards are a great thing to have, but as an option. They work on some but not others, just think of the horse with a beard.. not sure how well that would work, but would be fun to see =)

    I'm all up for the face fuzz options ^_^
  • edited 6:38AM
    And sun glasses! murrr!!
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