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Cum on body or near pussy / ass

When the cum event happens, dick turns a bit white because of cum, can something similar be implemented on they body?

For example have the area near the hole that the dick was in turns white after cum? And if the male just cum on other body parts of the partner, make the cumshot splash onto the body instead of "passing through" the body?


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited October 2015
    We're not happy with the current cum dynamics at all in the game. It's something we want to revamp entirely further down the road. What exactly that will include is too early to say now. But all of what you mentioned is on our radar.

  • edited 10:06AM
    This was part of a suggestion I was thinking about, so I will tack it onto this post. Speaking of liquids, could more types be added in the future? For example, breast milk, saliva, and urine?
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