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Get hosted on Kimochi as an alt host?

Hey, have you guys heard of Kimochi?
its a H-Game Manager/Downloader/Installer, kinda how Steam is for normal PC games.
they support free games aswell as payable models if that is something that is interesting.
there is alot of free open games on the service ATM, the service is still new but it looks bloody amazing so far!

you can simply make a free account and log in into the client once you have it installed, from there you can browse the store they have and start adding games to your Library for download, downloading and installing a game only takes 2 clicks and it will do everything for the user. 
the Games can easily get patched and updated aswell and most of the publishers there now is on Patreon already so they do cater to Patreon creators (they are looking into adding the Patreon API ATM for better integration aswell in the future).

to get Yiffalicious on the service all you need to do is to sign up with a free account and go here.
input your info about the game and you are good to go.
if you have any questions and so on then you can ask them either on the forums here.
or on e-mail directly here:

the Kimochi community is really friendly and open about anything so dont hesitate to ask away!

to note: i dont mean that you should switch to Kimochi as an exclusive host, but as an alt host..... you can upload to both without issues if that is what you want!
im just a normal user of the program and a fan of you aswell as them... im just trying to get my fav games up on their service as its so nice to use for the end user :D
i will also make a thread on their forms right away which i will link here aswell.

here is some screenshots of the program:


  • odesodes Administrator
    edited 6:18AM
    We've actually been talking to them and have an account set up. Zach is creating a picture for us to be used there. Once we get that we're going to upload Yiffalicious there. :)

    Since it's so close to the end of this cycle, we might wait for 0.4.x and upload it instead of 0.3.4.
  • edited 6:18AM
    ahhhh thats great news! i guess i dont have to make a thread on the other site then XD
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